
What are the most inflammatory foods for hidradenitis suppurativa
What are the most inflammatory foods for hidradenitis suppurativa
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What are the most inflammatory foods for hidradenitis suppurativa
Does Coffee Cause Autoimmune Disease - YouTube
Does Coffee Cause Autoimmune Disease - YouTube
Does Coffee Cause Autoimmune Disease? The simple answer is, it depends. Research studies have linked coffee consumption to a number of different autoimmune conditions. Type I Diabetes, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, GERD (reflux), and celiac disease are all on the list of diseases that coffee can contribute to. If you have been diagnosed with these conditions, show your doctor this research and ask if coffee is right for you ;) To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorPeterO... Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/docosborne/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drosborne Twitter: https://twitter.com/glutenology *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Does Coffee Cause Autoimmune Disease - YouTube
Reality Check FDA's Disinformation Campaign on Kratom - YouTube
Reality Check FDA's Disinformation Campaign on Kratom - YouTube
Reality Check with Ben Swann - http://truthinmedia.com/reality-check-fdas-disinformation-campaign-kratom/ The opioid crisis is killing tens of thousands of Americans each year. So why would the FDA crack down on a substance that may be helping millions of addicts get off drugs like heroin and Oxycontin? This is a Reality Check you won't get anywhere else. Did you remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel? Also follow me here: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck Twitter - https://twitter.com/BenSwann_ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/BenSwann_/ Newsletter signup - http://truthinmedia.com/newsletter-signup
Reality Check FDA's Disinformation Campaign on Kratom - YouTube
Dangerous Side Effects of Pain Medications [Part I] - YouTube
Dangerous Side Effects of Pain Medications [Part I] - YouTube
In part I of this series on pain medication side effects, I discuss the common pitfalls of using pain medication for chronic pain problems, including weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, muscle loss, leaky gut problems, and much much more. Make sure you watch part II as well. Subscribe to Dr. Osborne for more natural remedies and functional medicine solutions: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorPeterO... Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/docosborne/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drosborne Twitter: https://twitter.com/glutenology *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional
Dangerous Side Effects of Pain Medications [Part I] - YouTube
Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans. - PubMed - NCBI
Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans. - PubMed - NCBI
Dietary supplementation with an essential amino acid L-lysine has been shown to reduce chronic anxiety in humans with low dietary intake of L-lysine. A combination of L-lysine and L-arginine has been documented to normalize hormonal stress responses in humans with high trait anxiety. The present stu …
Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans. - PubMed - NCBI
Percussive Therapy
Percussive Therapy
If you are tired of having to live with achy muscles and joints and want to have some control over the pain Percussive Therapy, which allows for self massage, is perfect.
Percussive Therapy
The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About
The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About
Aspirin's long held promises are increasingly falling flat. A natural, safer and more effective alternative to this synthetic drug has been known about for at least two decades!
The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About
Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease Natural (...)
Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease Natural (...)
ReferenceLazarus B, Chen Y, Wilson F, et al. Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of chronic kidney disease. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(2):238-246.Study ObjectiveTo assess a potential correlation between proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use and incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). DesignObservational study tracking glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of PPI users compared to nonusers. ParticipantsThe study included 10,482 subjects participating in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. All subjects had a baseline GFR greater than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease Natural (...)
The Recommended Daily Added Sugar Intake - YouTube
The Recommended Daily Added Sugar Intake - YouTube
Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake. Subscribe to NutritionFacts.org’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe/ I recently spoke at a hearing of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Committee. Watch the highlights and my speech here: Highlights from the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Hearing (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/highlights-from-the-2020-dietary-guidelines-hearing/). The sugar industry keeps pretty busy, as you’ll see from my recent videos: Are Fortified Kids’ Breakfast Cereals Healthy or Just Candy? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Are-Fortified-Kids-Breakfast-Cereals-Healthy-or-Just-Candy) and Sugar Industry Attempts to Manipulate the Science (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/sugar-industry-attempts-to-manipulate-the-science). My other popular videos on sugar are: · If Fructose Is Bad, What About Fruit? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/if-fructose-is-bad-what-about-fruit) · How Much Fruit Is Too Much? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much) · How Much Added Sugar Is Too Much? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-added-sugar-is-too-much/) · Big Sugar Takes on the World Health Organization (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/big-sugar-takes-on-the-world-health-organization/) · Does Diet Soda Increase Stroke Risk as Much as Regular Soda? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-diet-soda-increase-stroke-risk-as-much-as-regular-soda) · How to Stop Tooth Decay (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-stop-tooth-decay) · Does Sugar Lead to Weight Gain? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-sugar-lead-to-weight-gain) Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-recommended-daily-added-sugar-intake and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-recommended-daily-added-sugar-intake. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then "Subtitles/CC." Do you have feedback about the translations in this video? Please share it here along with the title of the video and language: https://nutritionfacts.zendesk.com/hc/requests/new https://NutritionFacts.org • Subscribe: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe • Donate: https://nutritionfacts.org/donate • Podcast : https://nutritionfacts.org/audio • Facebook: www.facebook.com/NutritionFacts.org • Twitter: www.twitter.com/nutrition_facts • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nutrition_facts_org • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): https://nutritionfacts.org/books • Shop: https://drgreger.org
The Recommended Daily Added Sugar Intake - YouTube
The Most Potent Phytoestrogen is in Beer - YouTube
The Most Potent Phytoestrogen is in Beer - YouTube
The reason why women who handle hops start menstruating is because of a phytoestrogen that ends up in beer, called 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN). Subscribe to NutritionFacts.org’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe/ Check out the thrilling conclusion in my next video: What are the Effects of the Hops Phytoestrogen in Beer? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-effects-of-the-hops-phytoestrogen-in-beer). Previous phytoestrogen videos include: • BRCA Breast Cancer Genes and Soy (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/brca-breast-cancer-genes-and-soy/) • Flax Seeds & Breast Cancer Survival: Epidemiological Evidence (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-survival-epidemiological-evidence/) • Can Flax Seeds Help Prevent Breast Cancer? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-flax-seeds-help-prevent-breast-cancer/) • Flax Seeds & Breast Cancer Survival: Clinical Evidence (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-survival-clinical-evidence/) What about GMO soy? See GMO Soy and Breast Cancer (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/gmo-soy-and-breast-cancer/) Menstrual health videos include:: • Plant-Based Diets For Breast Pain (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-diets-for-breast-pain/) • Flax Seeds For Breast Pain (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax-seeds-for-breast-pain/) • Dietary Treatment for Painful Menstrual Periods (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dietary-treatment-for-painful-menstrual-periods/) • Fennel Seeds for Menstrual Cramps and PMS (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fennel-seeds-for-menstrual-cramps-and-pms/) Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-most-potent-phytoestrogen-is-in-beer and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-most-potent-phytoestrogen-is-in-beer. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Image Credit: Enokson via flickr. https://NutritionFacts.org • Subscribe: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe • Donate: https://nutritionfacts.org/donate • Podcast : https://nutritionfacts.org/audio • Facebook: www.facebook.com/NutritionFacts.org • Twitter: www.twitter.com/nutrition_facts • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nutrition_facts_org • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): https://nutritionfacts.org/books • Shop: https://drgreger.org
The Most Potent Phytoestrogen is in Beer - YouTube
Psychedelics Treating Addiction, Depression and Anxiety with Dr. Roland Griffiths - YouTube
Psychedelics Treating Addiction, Depression and Anxiety with Dr. Roland Griffiths - YouTube
Psychedelics were the subject of serious medical research in the 1940s to the 1960s, when many scientists believed some of the mind-bending compounds held tremendous therapeutic promise for treating a number of conditions including severe mental health problems and alcohol addiction. By the mid-60s, research into psychedelics was shut down for decades. After the blackout ended, the doctor we have on the podcast today was among the first to initiate a new series of studies on psilocybin—the psychoactive compound in “magic” mushrooms. On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Dr. Roland Griffiths, a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He has conducted extensive research with sedative-hypnotics, caffeine, and novel mood-altering drugs. In 1999, he initiated a research program at Johns Hopkins investigating the effects of the classic hallucinogen psilocybin that includes studies of psilocybin-occasioned mystical-type experiences in healthy volunteers, psilocybin-facilitated treatment of psychological distress in cancer patients, psilocybin-facilitated treatment of cigarette smoking cessation, psilocybin effects in beginning and long-term meditators, and psilocybin effects in religious leaders. In this episode, Dhru and Dr. Griffiths talk about his extensive research with psilocybin in the treatment of psychological distress in cancer patients and cigarette smoking cessation. They discuss the connection between psilocybin, spirituality, and consciousness. They also talk about psychedelics and their potential for treating conditions ranging from drug and alcohol dependence to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. In this episode, we dive into: - The connection between psychedelics, spirituality, and consciousness (7:48) - The history of psychedelic research (8:28) - The reintroduction of psychedelic research by Dr. Roland Griffiths and others (12:27) - Why research participants rated their psychedelic experience as one of their most meaningful (16:36) - What is happening in the brain when using psychedelics (23:39) - How psychedelics can help us understand altered states of consciousness (29:09) - The therapeutic benefits of psilocybin for the treatment of addiction (40:16) - How a single dose of psilocybin substantially diminished depression and anxiety in cancer patients (44:52) - The future of psychedelics (48:07) - The downside and risks of psychedelics (56:14) - Learn more about Dr. Roland Griffiths and his work (1:00:24) For more on Dr. Roland Griffiths and his research on psychedelics check out his website https://hopkinspsychedelic.org.
Psychedelics Treating Addiction, Depression and Anxiety with Dr. Roland Griffiths - YouTube
Psyllium Seeds Fight GERD GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Psyllium Seeds Fight GERD GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
If you're struggling with heartburn, constipation or other uncomfortable symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), adding fiber to your diet, in the form of psyllium seed, may help
Psyllium Seeds Fight GERD GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Pyriproxyfen Suspected of Causing Microcephaly in Brazil
Pyriproxyfen Suspected of Causing Microcephaly in Brazil
Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added pyriproxyfen to drinking water is not a coincidence.
Pyriproxyfen Suspected of Causing Microcephaly in Brazil
The Best Medical Tests To Evaluate Bone Health & Osteoporosis - YouTube
The Best Medical Tests To Evaluate Bone Health & Osteoporosis - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/wxrn The Best Medical Tests To Evaluate Bone Health & Osteoporosis Some of the best lab tests to have your doctor are: 1. Deoxypyridinoline 2. Pyridinium crosslinks 3. Vitamin and Mineral status - especially measuring intracellular calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin D, boron, manganese...as these nutrients are essential for healthy bone growth and regeneration. 4. X-ray can be used though the accuracy is only there in late stage or severe bone loss. Keep in mind that a dexa scan is limited in capacity to determine bone health, and should only be used to help to determine overall bone status. Bone density is dependent on several factors to include the proper nutrition, exercise, sunshine, sleep, and stress management. If you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, you are at greater risk for osteopenia and osteoporosis due to malabsorption. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: https://drpeterosborne.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorPeterO... Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/docosborne/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drosborne Twitter: https://twitter.com/glutenology *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
The Best Medical Tests To Evaluate Bone Health & Osteoporosis - YouTube