Effect of Aloe Vera Alcoholic Extract Gel on Changes of Estrogen and Progesterone in Experimental Model Rats with MS
Alpha-Lipoic Acid Improves Multiple Sclerosis GreenMedInfo Blog
Many times there are extremely positive preliminary results with a natural product improving very serious health condition and there are no follow up studies. In 2005, a clinical trial indicated that a common dietary supplement can produce meaningful improvements in multiple sclerosis. Since this initial study there has been considerable additional studies that also demonstrate dietary supplementation with this compound is capable of making a positive clinical impact
How I Reversed Multiple Sclerosis Palmer Kippola - YouTube
55 Natural Ways to Increase Myelin Sheath + Function & Facts - Selfhacked
Myelin is a structure that protects neurons. Certain lifestyle and dietary factors may increase myelination; learn more about it here.
Children with and without multiple sclerosis have differences in gut b (...)
In a recent study, children with multiple sclerosis had differences in the abundance of specific gut bacteria than children without the disease. Certain types of bacteria were either more or less abundant in children with multiple sclerosis. In particular, there was an association between multiple sclerosis and an increase in gut bacteria that have been linked to inflammation and a decrease in gut bacteria that are considered anti-inflammatory.
Intermittent Fasting Confers Protection in CNS Autoimmunity by Altering the Gut Microbiota Cell Metabolism
Intermittent fasting confers protection in the multiple sclerosis animal model through effects on the gut microbiota; similar changes to the gut microbiota were observed in relapsing multiple sclerosis patients undergoing intermittent energy restriction.
First Drug Shown To Promote Remyelination News Overcoming MS
Researchers have found definite evidence of remyelination after taking Clemastine, and the improvement persisted when the drug was stopped.
Antidepressant may help combat the course of multiple sclerosis -- Sci (...)
The antidepressant clomipramine may also alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis, specifically in its progressive form, i.e. when it occurs without relapses or remissions. As yet, drugs for this type of MS have been virtually non-existent. Researchers screened 1,040 generic therapeutics and, based on preclinical studies, identified one that is suitable for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
foods support remyelination - Google Search
Frontiers Immunological and Clinical Effect of Diet Modulation of the (...)
Pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), has been linked to an alteration of the resident microbial commensal community and of the interplay between the microbiota and the immune system. Dietary components such as fiber, acting on microbiota composition, could, in principle, result in immune modulation and, thus, could be used to obtain beneficial outcomes for patients. We verified this hypothesis in a pilot study involving two groups of clinically similar relapsing-remitting (RR) MS patients who had undergone either a high-vegetable/low-protein diet (HV/LP diet group; N = 10) or a “Western Diet” (WD group; N = 10) for at least 12 months. Gut microbiota composition, analyzed by 16 S V4 rRNA gene sequencing and immunological profiles, was examined after a minimum of 12 months of diet. Results showed that, in the HV/LP diet group compared to the WD group: (1) Lachnospiraceae family was significantly more abundant; (2) IL-17-producing T CD4+ lymphocytes (p = 0.04) and PD-1 expressing T CD4+ lymphocytes (p = 0.0004) were significantly decreased; and (3) PD-L1 expressing monocytes (p = 0.009) were significantly increased. In the HV/LP diet group, positive correlations between Lachnospiraceae and both CD14+/IL-10+ and CD14+/TGFβ+monocytes (RSp = 0.707, p = 0.05, and RSp = 0.73, p = 0.04, respectively), as well as between Lachnospiraceae and CD4+/CD25+/FoxP3+ T lymphocytes (RSp = 0.68, p = 0.02) were observed. Evaluation of clinical parameters show...
Blood-clotting protein prevents repair in the brain Study may lead to (...)
Scientists have uncovered a promising new therapeutic strategy to repair myelin in the brain. Surprisingly, it's associated with a protein in the blood.
Italian doctor may have found surprisingly simple cure for Multiple Sc (...)
See related links to what you are looking for.
Gut microbes protect against neurologic damage from viral infections -- ScienceDaily
Gut microbes produce compounds that prime immune cells to destroy harmful viruses in the brain and nervous system, according to a mouse study.
Breakthrough in MS treatment Drug shown to reduce new attackssymptom progression in some patients -- ScienceDaily
Three studies have discovered that ocrelizumab can significantly reduce new attacks in patients with relapsing MS, as well as slow the progression of symptoms caused by primary progressive MS.
Hidden herpes virus may play key role in MS, other brain disorders -- (...)
The ubiquitous human herpesvirus 6 may play a critical role in impeding the brain's ability to repair itself in diseases like multiple sclerosis. These findings may help explain the differences in severity in symptoms that many people with the disease experience.
5 Benefits of Serrapeptase and What to Know Before Taking
What is serrapeptase? This proteolytic enzyme has been touted for its anti-inflammatory benefits. But does it really work?
How diet may affect the progression of multiple sclerosis -- ScienceDa (...)
Dietary fatty acids affect the development and progression of autoimmune chronic-inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis. In a collaborative study, researchers now found that long-chain fatty acids promote the development and propagation of CNS reactive immune cells in the intestinal wall. On the contrary, short-chain fatty acids promote the development and propagation of regulatory cells in the immune system.
Chemical compound produces beneficial inflammation, remyelination that could help treat multiple sclerosis Study shows that 'good inflammation' promotes axon myelination -- ScienceDaily
Researchers report that indazole chloride, a synthetic compound that acts on one form of the body's estrogen receptors, is able to remyelinate (add new myelin to) damaged axons and alter the body's immune system -- findings that could help treat multiple sclerosis. Drugs available to treat MS alter the immune system but do not induce repair of damaged axons.
How I Reversed Multiple Sclerosis - Palmer Kippola (Dec 2016) - YouTube
“How I Reversed Multiple Sclerosis” is a presentation by Palmer Kippola that took place at Silicon Valley Health Institute on December 15, 2016.
2014 marks the 30th year since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Against the diagnosis and grim outlook provided by my neurologist at age 19, I’m now thriving, symptom and medication-free. But it wasn’t always this way.
The First Day
One day in August 1984, home on summer break after my freshman year at college, I woke up with a creepy tingling in my feet which slowly rose to my chest. Later that day my parents and I sat in a neurologist’s office where she made the dreadful pronouncement: “I’m 99% sure you have multiple sclerosis (MS), and there’s nothing we can do.” At home later that day, my body went numb from the chest down and I had no sense of my body in space. For nearly two months my body remained completely numb. This was a devastating time for me and my family. We had little information about this mysterious MS and no idea what the future would present. We started planning for my life in a wheelchair. By late September the shroud of numbness started to retreat (thank heavens! my mom would say), but it took a full 2 years for it to vanish. And thus began my relapsing-remitting relationship with MS.
The first 15 years were marked by significant episodes of symptoms every 2–4 years, ranging from similar tingling and numbness to profound fatigue and searingly painful optic neuritis that landed me in the hospital 3 times in two weeks. During these last 15 years, I have been on a steadily improving course. Effective stress-reduction techniques definitely helped, as did removing sugar; but my holy grail was giving up gluten and dairy in 2010. Since then I have been completely symptom-free and, finally, medication-free.
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Computational simulations suggest multiple sclerosis is a single disea (...)
New research supports the idea that multiple sclerosis (MS), which has widely varying symptoms and progression in different patients, is nonetheless a single disease with common underlying mechanisms.
Mapping the biology of drug-resistant multiple sclerosis Mouse study r (...)
People suffering from multiple sclerosis have relied on a drug called interferon-beta to prevent flare-ups of the disease and avoid its crippling neurological symptoms. But interferon-beta treatment has its downsides: the drug is expensive, it can cause flu-like side-effects, and for up to half of patients, it simply doesn't work. New research may point to alternative treatments for MS, report scientists.
Is There a Link Between Gluten And Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Dr. Wahls Tells All - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/wxrn
For more information on Dr. Terry Wahls and the Wahls Protocol for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, check out her books:
The Wahls Protocol - https://amzn.to/2RRzsTt
The Wahls Protocol Cookbook - https://amzn.to/3bt9WeN
Because MS has such a debilitating outcome, the question about whether or not natural treatments (including the gluten free diet) are effective comes up on a regular basis. I conducted one of the most profound podcast interviews with Dr. Terry Wahls. Dr. Wahls was confined to a wheelchair with multiple sclerosis. We discuss the connection between gluten and multiple sclerosis, but also go into detail about action steps you can take to naturally overcome MS. What makes Dr. Wahls an expert on this? Aside from being trained in medicine, she suffered with the disease. Frustrated with mainstream treatments, she began the diligent process of investigation and research. After ditching the drugs and changing her diet, she made a full recovery. She now rides her bike on a regular basis.
To connect with Dr. Osborne visit:
On the web: https://drpeterosborne.com/
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Common treatment for multiple sclerosis may prolong life Significant UBC study followed nearly 6,000 patients for more than two decades -- ScienceDaily
Researchers have found that a widely prescribed drug for multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with longer survival for patients.
Link between gut flora and multiple sclerosis discovered -- ScienceDaily
In multiple sclerosis, a defective response of the body's own immune system leads to brain tissue damage. Gastrointestinal microbiota could play a far greater role in the pathogenesis of the disease than previously assumed.
6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition
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Meet the Doctor Behind the Code Blue Documentary Forks Over Knives
Dr. Saray Stancic's new documentary, Code Blue, is both a powerful indictment of health care today and a call to action. Read our interview with her here.
Connections between gut microbiota and the brain -- ScienceDaily
Intestinal bacteria that can boost bravery or trigger multiple sclerosis: An increasing body of research results confirms the importance of the “gut-brain axis” for neurology and indicates that the triggers for a number of neurological diseases may be located in the digestive tract.
Medical professor diagnosed with multiple sclerosis miraculously cures (...)
A constellation of symptoms presages first definitive signs of multiple sclerosis Study is largest-ever effort to identify symptoms that appear before MS diagnosis -- ScienceDaily
Researchers document the health problems that precede a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
Could Vegetarianism Increase Your Risk Of Autoimmune Disease - mindbod (...)
Why this doctor stopped being vegetarian after a lifetime following the diet.