Xavier Becerra Refuses to Apologize to Covid Survivors at HELP Hearing - September 30, 2021
Politics and Players COVID
COVID Jab Mandate Threatens 80 Million Americans NaturalHealth365
CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry • Children's Health Defense
#TruthArmy #TruthOverProfits #BelieveMoms Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement that they had worked with
ICAN, through its attorneys, has sued the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for failing to respond to ICAN’s demand for the proof that Dr. Fauci claimed exists to prove NIH […]
Newly-Released Documents Detail US-Funded Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Institute of Virology Report
New documents have been released detailing U.S.-funded research on various types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology ...
TrustWHO - Documentary on World Health Organization
PLEASE SPREAD LINK ACROSS ALL GROUPS/PEOPLE ON INSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK/WHATSAPP/TWITTER ETC Documentary that exposes WHO. Don't just listen to bias media. Is the WHO sick? The filmmaker and mother Lilian Franck reveals clandestine influences by the…
Exclusive Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
Samples from early Wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus, an American scientist has ...
Medical Monsters On The Loose
Don’t we have enough ways to cause death or kill people? So what kind of people are busy adding new ways of killing others? And will they someday pay the ultimate price? In his new book, Robert Kennedy fingers Dr. Anthony Fauci as perhaps the most successful mass murderer in history, the “principal architect of... View Article
Choose Freedom - YouTube
France Warned US in 2015 About Wuhan Lab It Helped Build, Former COVID-19 Investigator Claims
The U.S. federal government should have stopped funding research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015 when China reduced its cooperation with the French in building and operating the lab, according to the leader of an investigation into COVID-19’s origins by the State Department under the Trump administration.
On April 29, 2020, ICAN submitted a FOIA request to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and requested copies of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails related to COVID-19. After the […]
Is the Government Weaponizing Data GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
America's Frontline Doctors files injunction against Covid Vax; Department of Justice Declares Vax Mandates are a Go
Medical Train Wreck
Vaccine doomsday is what we have, and even if the CDC reduces the death numbers by half, which they just secretly did, we have an incredibly sick story. So many death by lethal injection. A flood of vaccine deaths and severe injuries. A river of tears. Congratulations to the doctors, nurses, and health officials who... View Article
Trusting The Science May Have Deadly Consequences NaturalHealth365
VAERS Latest Data Include 2 New Reports of Teen Deaths Following
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 545,338 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 12,366 deaths and 70,105 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021
! Episode 224 THE COVID CARTEL - The Highwire
The $1 Billion Whistleblower Search; International Vaccine Mandates Start; W.H.O. Insider Exposes Pandemic Response; The Ultimate Proof Masks Don’t Work! Guest: Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD #TheCovidCartel #WHO #Tedros #UnMaskUs #CovidVaccineWhistleblower ORIGINAL AIR-DATE: July 15, 2021
Protocol Violations Of Pfizer Trial Found By Researcher NaturalHealth365
4 Ethics-Breaking Biological Experiments Touted By Chinese Scientists as ‘World Firsts’
Throughout the world, scientific research and experiments involving ethical issues must first pass the scrutiny of ethics committees. ...
Chinese Scientist Who Shipped Deadly Pathogens to Wuhan Held 2 Patents
Commentary “The high-profile scientist who was fired from Canada’s top infectious disease lab collaborated with Chinese government scientists ...
! Footage of Bats Kept in Wuhan Lab Fuels Scrutiny Over Its Research
Official Chinese state-approved footage from four years ago showing bats being kept at the Wuhan Institute of Virology ...
Introduction to COVID Treatments
Doctors worldwide were actively discouraged from helping and even prevented from saving their patients. Esteemed doctors and medical facilities have developed effective treatment protocols for COVID-19, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Emory. Yet, all have been suppressed and censored in an apparent effort to cause as much suffering and death as possible. In the world... View Article
! Proof C0VlD is Product of Man-Made Manipulation - YouTube
Suddenly, media is willing to actually look at the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, but they are asking the wrong questions. I've been reporting on this for over a year. Today, I'm re-posting my exclusive interview with Dr. David Martin about the clear paper-trail of gain of function funding stretching back to 2013.
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(3) COVID-911 From Homeland Security to Biosecurity - YouTube
(3) Exclusive Behind the Making of Plan DEMlC 2 - YouTube
Ben Swann speaks exclusively with the director of Plan Dem 2 about the origin of the film and attacks that have come against his movie. Part 2 about the gates foundation and its ties to vaccines in India and Africa can be seen exclusively at https://ISE.media.
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(8) Has Sweden Beaten C0VlD 1 Death for the Entire Month of August, No Lockdown, No Masks - YouTube
Has Sweden Beaten C0VlD?
Only 1 Death in the Country for the Entire Month of August, and yet, No Lockdowns, No Economic Shutdowns and No Masks. We give you details that other media will only ignore.
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1 Fauci Lied To Congress About Gain-of-Function Research - YouTube
Dr. Anthony Fauci got into a heated argument with Sen. Rand Paul this week over the origins of the coronavirus. In fact, he lied to Congress saying the U.S. government never funded Gain-of Function research... Oh, but it has, and I'll show the clear proof.
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1 IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON - The Highwire
IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON? The origins of #Covid19 are becoming increasingly clear, and Dr. Richard Fleming, cardiologist and researcher walks Del through a shocking paper trail surrounding the SARS-CoV2 virus and its link to Tony Fauci and US funded gain-of-function research. #FireFauci #GainOfFunction #GOF #FlemingProtocol #Covid19 #LabCreated #WuhanLab #CovidOrigins #TheHighwire #DelBigtree POSTED: May 13, 2021
RAND PAUL TO FAUCI: “YOU’RE FOOLING WITH MOTHER NATURE” Kentucky Senator and physician, Rand Paul, continues to stand out as one of the only politicians to question head of the NIH, Tony Fauci, in Senate Hearings. Watch Paul hold Fauci’s feet to the fire on his ties to gain-of-function research linked to the Wuhan lab,… Read More »RAND PAUL TO FAUCI: “YOU’RE FOOLING WITH MOTHER NATURE”
27,000 People Died Of Cancer Today
Across the globe, patients have reported being denied cancer care, kidney dialysis and urgent transplant surgeries, with sometimes fatal results. Zaria Gorvett: Tomorrow another 27 thousand cancer patients will die. Each year 10 million perish and doctors still cannot tell us why. World health officials do not seem to care. In the United States, by... View Article
5G Didn’t Cause the Coronavirus Pandemic But It Probably Made it Worse
There are many frightening aspects to the pandemic but none speaks of more trouble than the synchronic occurrence of a new virus and the rapid installation of 5G. One could even stretch the imagine and see the virus running cover for 5G. The good news is it looks like the beginning of the end for... View Article