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The Roots of the Mideast Conflict - YouTube
The Roots of the Mideast Conflict - YouTube
This video is taken from a message in the Bill Salus 3-disc DVD entitled,Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed. It identifies the root causesof the Arab-Is...
The Roots of the Mideast Conflict - YouTube
The Ark and the Darkness - Fathom Events
The Ark and the Darkness - Fathom Events
There is a tale over 4,000 years old, preserved in ancient writings from every major culture around the world. Many thought it was only a myth, but recent discoveries confirm what the Bible has said all along. From the Director of Genesis: Paradise Lost, Sevenfold films and Genesis Apologetics present The Ark and the Darkness. Geology, paleontology, the fossil record, ancient history, volcanism, earth science—all of these scientific fields converge on one simple truth: Noah’s Flood actually happened. Join our team of scientists from Answers in Genesis and Liberty University as we reveal the truth about Noah’s Flood.
The Ark and the Darkness - Fathom Events
The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 1-3 - Fathom Events
The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 1-3 - Fathom Events
Clashing kingdoms. Rival rulers. The enemies of Jesus are closing in while His followers are struggling to keep up, leaving him to carry the burden alone. Episodes 1-3 of The Chosen Season 4 will be in theaters starting February 1.
The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 1-3 - Fathom Events
The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 4-6 - Fathom Events
The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 4-6 - Fathom Events
Religious leaders begin plotting with an improbable ally — their Roman oppressors — as they face the reality of Jesus’ growing influence. Episodes 4-6 of The Chosen Season 4 will be in theaters starting February 15.
The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 4-6 - Fathom Events
12 Reasons Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and Spurgeon Were WRONG About Matt 24 - YouTube
12 Reasons Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and Spurgeon Were WRONG About Matt 24 - YouTube
Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and Spurgeon were wrong about Matthew 24 being fulfilled in AD 70 rather than realizing that Matt 24 is fulfilled in the future. Watch this Nelson Walters video for 12 scriptural reasons these men of faith were mistaken. Also, learn why they got it wrong and what is the appropriate time to talk about prophetic things and when it isn't appropriate. Last Days Overcomer link
12 Reasons Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and Spurgeon Were WRONG About Matt 24 - YouTube
Genesis Impact (Full Movie) - YouTube
Genesis Impact (Full Movie) - YouTube
Secular museum docent (Reggie McGuire) presents his best case for evolution at the natural history museum, but little does he know that Christina (Hannah Bra...
Genesis Impact (Full Movie) - YouTube
Peace in the Middle East. Is it Possible? - YouTube
Peace in the Middle East. Is it Possible? - YouTube
This is an excerpt from a Prophecy Watchers podcast titled "The Biblical Plan for Mideast Peace" which previously aired here on 11/30/23.Thanks For Watching...
Peace in the Middle East. Is it Possible? - YouTube
We Challenge All Evolutionists to Watch This Video! - YouTube
We Challenge All Evolutionists to Watch This Video! - YouTube
In this video, Calvin Smith takes a deep dive into the amazing kinesin protein. Unfortunately, evolutionists will claim that this protein is the result of ch...
We Challenge All Evolutionists to Watch This Video! - YouTube
Iran Raises Black MAHDI Flag First Time In History - Islamic Messiah About to be Revealed? - YouTube
Iran Raises Black MAHDI Flag First Time In History - Islamic Messiah About to be Revealed? - YouTube
Last week Iran raised a black MAHDI flag for the first time in its history. This is the flag of their Islamic Messiah, the Mahdi, the 12th Imam. It's the flag that their scriptures say will be carried to Jerusalem in victory. Is it a sign that the Mahdi is about to be revealed? What will be the impact on the rest of the world? What does our Bible say about what happens after this man is revealed?
Iran Raises Black MAHDI Flag First Time In History - Islamic Messiah About to be Revealed? - YouTube
How Antichrist Comes to Power - 12 Steps - Most Christians Only Know 2 - YouTube
How Antichrist Comes to Power - 12 Steps - Most Christians Only Know 2 - YouTube
The Bible shows the process of how the Antichrist comes to power in detail - in 12 steps. But most Christians are aware of maybe 2! Watch this Nelson Walters video for the breakdown of all 12 steps. How he goes from a Little Horn to being worshiped by the whole world.
How Antichrist Comes to Power - 12 Steps - Most Christians Only Know 2 - YouTube
9/11 Suspects (Full Documentary | 2016) - The Corbett Report
9/11 Suspects (Full Documentary | 2016) - The Corbett Report
In 2016, The Corbett Report released the 9/11 Suspects series in individual installments. Now, as we approach the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag, The Corbett Report is proud to re-release the documentary as a single upload. This release features updated visuals courtesy of video editor Broc West. Please spread the word about this important information.
9/11 Suspects (Full Documentary | 2016) - The Corbett Report