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3 Hidden truths behind Mormonism and the Church of the Latter Day Saints (James R White) - YouTube
3 Hidden truths behind Mormonism and the Church of the Latter Day Saints (James R White) - YouTube CMP is a Christian Media Production company - check out our latest programs: What is mormonism? Who is Joseph Smith? Are Mormons Christians? Dr James White shares his take in this episode of Renewed Mind. Renewed Mind is a TV program produced and owned by CMP (Christian Media Productions) www.facebook/christianmediaproductions Dr James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona.
3 Hidden truths behind Mormonism and the Church of the Latter Day Saints (James R White) - YouTube
Answering Mormons What Did Jesus Do - YouTube
Answering Mormons What Did Jesus Do - YouTube
Christian Apologist and Pastor, Jeff Durbin, spoke at the "Is Mormonism Christian?" event in Oahu. This video is from the Q & A section of the event. Jeff answered a question about the Mormon view of the atonement. Do Mormons have a Biblical view of the atonement? Is the Mormon view of the work of Jesus Christ, sin, and salvation consistent with what the Bible teaches? How do we apply Christian Apologetics to our conversation with Latter-day Saints? For more on Christian Apologetics and to learn how to defend your faith, sign-up for All Access at You can participate in Apologia Academy and learn from men like Jeff Durbin, Dr. James White, Dr. K. Scott Oliphint, Douglas Wilson, and more!
Answering Mormons What Did Jesus Do - YouTube
Apologia Academy wJames White Mormonism - YouTube
Apologia Academy wJames White Mormonism - YouTube
This is a preview of our Apologia Academy with Dr. James White. Dr. White taught on the subject of Mormonism. You can support the work of Apologia Church and get all the additional content (Apologia TV, the After-show, On the Couch, Apologia Academy, and more) by going to and signing up for All Access! IMPORTANT NOTE, ALL ACCESS IS NOW FOUND AT:
Apologia Academy wJames White Mormonism - YouTube
Can We Become Little gods - YouTube
Can We Become Little gods - YouTube
Check out this clip from Apologia Radio in which we talk about the Mormon doctrine of becoming gods? What does the Bible teach about God? Is it possible to become gods? Watch. Share. Like. Subscribe! You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a course on Christian apologetics and learn how to witness to Mormons. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Can We Become Little gods - YouTube
How Is Someone Saved (Mormons vs Christians) - YouTube
How Is Someone Saved (Mormons vs Christians) - YouTube
You don't want to miss this excellent footage of a conversation between some young Mormons and Jeff Durbin and Zach Conover from Apologia Church. This is actual footage from our annual Mormon Temple outreach at the Mesa Temple's Easter Pageant. The conversation centers around the grace of God and salvation. Mormonism teaches that people are saved through a combination of grace, faith, and works. This is an antithetical message to the Gospel found in Scripture (Romans 1-5). This is a powerful conversation. God has used these videos to lead many, many Mormons to saving faith in the true Christ. We humbly encourage you to Like and Share this video. These works as excellent "Gospel tracts". Get more content and learn how to witness to Mormons by signing up for All Access at
How Is Someone Saved (Mormons vs Christians) - YouTube
Is Mormonism a Cult - YouTube
Is Mormonism a Cult - YouTube
Don't miss this important message delivered by Jeff Durbin at a conference on Christian Apologetics. Jeff Durbin, of Apologia Church/Radio/TV, spoke on how to engage our Mormon friends, family, and neighbors. Was Joseph Smith Jr. a prophet sent from God? Is Mormonism a Christian religion? What does Mormonism truly teach about God? How do we reach Mormons in love with the truth of the Gospel? Want more help defending the Christian faith? Go to and sign-up for our All Access. When you partner with us you get access to all of our TV shows, our After Shows, and Apologia Academy in which you can learn about the Biblical Worldview and defending the Faith by teachers like, Dr. James White, Jeff Durbin, R.C. Sproul Jr., Douglas Wilson, Dr. K Scott Oliphint, John Samson, and more! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more great content and don't forget to share this message with someone you love!
Is Mormonism a Cult - YouTube
John MacArthur Jesus is God - YouTube
John MacArthur Jesus is God - YouTube
John 5:17-24 The Master's Seminary - Theological Resources -
John MacArthur Jesus is God - YouTube
Joseph Smith's First Vision (Pt 1)-Dan Vogel - YouTube
Joseph Smith's First Vision (Pt 1)-Dan Vogel - YouTube
In recent decades the Joseph Smith’s First Vision has been hotly debated by students of early Mormon history, with critics on one side pointing to contradictions and anachronisms as evidence that the vision was a later invention, and apologists on the other side constructing clever arguments designed to explain away the problems In this three-part video I will discuss these debates, and while I will side with the critics, I want to push beyond simply identifying contradictions and anachronisms and explore the historical implications of that evidence with the view of uncovering the core story and the possible event in Joseph Smith’s life upon which the First Vision story may have been based.
Joseph Smith's First Vision (Pt 1)-Dan Vogel - YouTube
Mormon Cult 101 - YouTube
Mormon Cult 101 - YouTube
Dale Brown points out Mormon problems using history and LDS scripture. He and his wife Peggy, though non-Mormons, have been to many LDS temple openings and church testimony meetings over the past 30 years.
Mormon Cult 101 - YouTube
Mormon Evangelism Arguing with Mormon Missionaries - YouTube
Mormon Evangelism Arguing with Mormon Missionaries - YouTube
Jeff Durbin talks to mormon missionaries about the true gospel of Jesus Christ. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a course on Christian apologetics and learn how to witness to Mormons. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Mormon Evangelism Arguing with Mormon Missionaries - YouTube
Mormon Secret Language Revealed! - YouTube
Mormon Secret Language Revealed! - YouTube
They don't mean what you THINK they mean. You'll find out about Mormons using the same vocabulary as Christians but having a different dictionary for what those words actually mean to them. Some of the terms we will cover are; God the Father, Jesus, Salvation, Create, Monotheism, Grace, and others. Use this resource to share with others so they too can have the Mormon secret language revealed.
Mormon Secret Language Revealed! - YouTube
Pleading For The Souls of Mormons - YouTube
Pleading For The Souls of Mormons - YouTube
Is Mormonism Christian? Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just another Christian denomination? Do Mormons believe in the Jesus Christ presented in the Bible? Are Mormons worshiping the same God as the historic Christian Church? This is the message delivered by Pastor Jeff Durbin (Apologia Church, Apologia Radio, & Apologia TV) at an event on the northern shore of Oahu called 'Is Mormonism Christian?'. Jeff speaks about the foundational issues that separate the Mormon religion from Biblical faith. Our hope is that believers in the true and living Christ would be encouraged and equipped to reach their Mormon friends and family. Further, it is our deepest hope that Mormons would have their eyes and hearts opened to the Scriptures to see the hope that is in the real Jesus Christ of the Scriptures. For more, go to You can learn more about Christian Apologetics and how to defend the Christian faith by becoming a part of our ministry and joining our All Access where you will find all of our TV shows, our After Shows, and Apologia Academy. Partner with us at
Pleading For The Souls of Mormons - YouTube
Problems with the Mormon Doctrine of God - YouTube
Problems with the Mormon Doctrine of God - YouTube
One of the unique aspects of Mormonism is their approach to the divine nature. The belief of Mormons that God was once a man who achieved exaltation sets up a strong opposition between this religion and classical Christian theology, as well as other traditional monotheistic faiths. In this video, the Mormon doctrine of God is examined in light of the traditional Christian view of God.
Problems with the Mormon Doctrine of God - YouTube
Proof That Mormonism Is Not True The Book of Abraham - YouTube
Proof That Mormonism Is Not True The Book of Abraham - YouTube
This is not just conjecture. We have actual evidence that Joseph Smith was lying to Mormons when he invented his new "scripture" the Book of Abraham. This is proof that Mormonism is not true. The book of Abraham was not translated, it was fabricated. Here is the evidence. Share this video so that more people can be set free from the tangled lies of Joseph Smith. Mormons are the victims of Mormonism and we can show them love by showing them the truth so they can put faith in Jesus for real. LINKS Great site with support for claims about the Book of Abraham Article outlining some of these facts This is the article I quoted from on the official LDS website.
Proof That Mormonism Is Not True The Book of Abraham - YouTube
Solid Evidence that the Bible is True - YouTube
Solid Evidence that the Bible is True - YouTube
Original article: Fulfilled prophesy: Podcast version:
Solid Evidence that the Bible is True - YouTube
The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts – Bible Archaeology Report
The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts – Bible Archaeology Report
All of the books of the New Testament were written within a lifetime of the death of Jesus of Nazareth.  Not so the so-called “other gospels,” which were pseudepigraphical Gnostic works written 100…
The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts – Bible Archaeology Report
The Kingdom of God & The New Jerusalem - YouTube
The Kingdom of God & The New Jerusalem - YouTube
If you would like to partner with us and donate to our work, please follow this link In this broadcast we bring to life the last few chapters of the Book of Revelation. From the setting up of Christ's Kingdom on earth, to the coming of the New Jerusalem. Please share with others, Jesus is Coming Soon. Join us on Armageddon News for amazing end time discoveries. Transcript for those who would like to translate into other languages (Remixed) Music provided by : "Michael W. Smith-Heroes" "Brian Tyler-Attack On 10880 Malibu Point-Brian Tyler"
The Kingdom of God & The New Jerusalem - YouTube
Where Did Jesus Say, I Am God, Worship Me (David Wood) - YouTube
Where Did Jesus Say, I Am God, Worship Me (David Wood) - YouTube
Support my videos on Patreon: Muslims around the world are being trained to ask Christians, “Where did Jesus say, ‘I am God, worship me,’ in those exact words?” However, if Muslims are suggesting that Jesus could only claim to be God by uttering a specific sentence, we may reply by asking, “Where did Jesus say, ‘I am only a prophet, don’t worship me,’ in those exact words?” The unreasonable demand for a particular statement, if applied consistently, would thus force Muslims to reject their own view! Fortunately, we have a simple way to examine what Jesus said about himself. According to both the Bible and the Qur’an, there are certain claims that only God can truly make. For instance, God alone can correctly state that he created the universe. Of course, a mere human being can pronounce the words, “I created the universe,” but the statement would be false coming from anyone other than God. Hence, if Jesus said things that can only truly be said by God, we must conclude that Jesus claimed to be God. Interestingly, Jews, Christians, and Muslims agree on many of the claims that cannot be properly made by (or about) mere human beings. In this video, we consider several examples of such claims, which are more than enough to meet the challenge of Muslim apologists like Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat. For more on the deity of Christ, watch these videos by David Wood: "Jesus Owns Muhammad": "Jesus Accepts Worship": "How Can God Die?": "Jesus: The First and the Last": "Jesus: The Final Judge" #Jesus #DeityOfChrist #DavidWood
Where Did Jesus Say, I Am God, Worship Me (David Wood) - YouTube
Why Believe Jesus Christ is God #Apologetics - YouTube
Why Believe Jesus Christ is God #Apologetics - YouTube
This video is part of a live Q&A with author and former devout Muslim Nabeel Qureshi on March 22, 2015 at Christ Community Chapel. For more information about Christ Community Chapel, please visit our website at
Why Believe Jesus Christ is God #Apologetics - YouTube
You Won't Believe What Joseph Smith Added to The Bible! - YouTube
You Won't Believe What Joseph Smith Added to The Bible! - YouTube
Joseph Smith made his own translation of the Bible and added quite a lot of new and interesting content to the original, including prophecy about Joseph Smith! Links: What you need to know about how we got the Bible - My recent End Times debate on Matthew 24 -
You Won't Believe What Joseph Smith Added to The Bible! - YouTube
E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to From WFM-13 (011007AM)
Genesis Apologetics Folsom, CA
Genesis Apologetics Folsom, CA
Equipping youth pastors, parents, and students with Biblical answers for evolutionary teaching in public schools.
Genesis Apologetics Folsom, CA
Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible - YouTube
Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible - YouTube
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels ( READ: Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible? In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner Wallace describes the ancient non-Christian evidence for the life of Jesus. What would we know about Jesus if we lost every possible Christian document (including the New Testament and writings of the Church Fathers)? What would the earliest unfriendly Greek, Roman, Syrian and Jewish historical documents tell us about Jesus?
Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible - YouTube