Found 633 bookmarks
Amir Tsarfati: The Tree of Life - YouTube
Amir Tsarfati: The Tree of Life - YouTube
There is a lot of speculation surrounding the Tree of Life - a unique tree first presented in the Garden of Eden; a special tree accessible to Adam and Eve. However, after sin entered the world, this man and woman were immediately driven from the presence of God and from this tree. What did its presence mean for Adam and Eve? Will anyone ever experience the blessings this tree again? If so, how might we obtain access to it? Join Amir in his riveting message about a rarely touched upon subject, The Tree of Life. You can find a written document of this message here. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Follow us on social media: Instagram: Facebook: Telegram: Visit our website: Public Reading of Scripture: Order Amir’s new book "Operation Joktan": DVD’s & Digital Downloads: Latest Middle East News: Bible Teachings: Articles: Teaching Around the World: Bible Experience Tours:
Amir Tsarfati: The Tree of Life - YouTube
Harmeet Dhillon: The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed - YouTube
Harmeet Dhillon: The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed - YouTube
Harmeet Dhillon is a San Francisco lawyer who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years. Her verdict: Kamala Harris is a criminal. Here are the details. James O’Keefe shows us a bold, first-hand documentation of life on the front lines—riding Mexican freight trains, exploring cartel tunnels, and visiting U.S.-funded child detention camps. Line in the Sand is live now. Become a member: It’s official! We’ve partnered with Old Row to bring you exclusive merch. Shop now at: Paid partnerships: PureTalk: Get 50% off your first month at Policygenius: Get your free life insurance quotes today at Eight Sleep: Get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra at #TuckerCarlson #HarmeetDhillon #KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump #GavinNewsom #60Minutes #CallHerDaddy #WillieBrown #prolife #freespeech #vote #presidentialelection #news #politics Chapters: 0:00 Become a Member at 0:43 Who Really Is Kamala Harris? 2:41 Kamala and Willie Brown 22:17 How Does Kamala Pronounce Her Name? 32:23 Kamala’s Crimes 45:03 How Has Kamala Changed? 47:44 Corporate Media Covering for Kamala’s Gaffes 49:46 Kamala Protecting Criminals 1:06:11 What Kind of Attorney General Was Kamala? 1:09:10 Kamala’s Hatred for the Pro-Life Movement and Free Speech 1:18:14 Who Is Kamala’s Husband Doug Emhoff? 1:30:47 Kamala’s “Minority” Status 1:39:03 Voters Don’t Like Kamala 1:44:59 What Happens If Kamala Wins?
Harmeet Dhillon: The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed - YouTube
October 7: Never Again - The Documentary - YouTube
October 7: Never Again - The Documentary - YouTube
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This video contains detailed discussions of the events of October 7th, where Hamas attacked Israel. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Out of respect for the dignity of those affected, 'Tip of the Spear' will refrain from showing graphic visuals. Connect with Our Experts: For further insights into Olivier Melnick's work and ministry, visit his page at Shalom in Messiah. Explore more about Danny "the Digger" Herman and his unique archaeological adventures by visiting Both experts are available for contact and deeper exploration into their respective fields through these links. Welcome to Tip of the Spear 🗡️ a dedicated beacon within the conservative prophecy ministry circle, fervently committed to guiding both believers and unbelievers through the complexities of the end times. Our mission is to serve as a frontline source of enlightenment, encouragement, and hope, helping navigate the spiritual battleground of today's world by highlighting significant prophetic developments and trends ⚔️. Stay Connected & Informed: Subscribe on YouTube 🛡️: Don't miss out on our latest content. Subscribe here: Support Us 💪: Your support enables us to continue our mission. Please consider contributing here: Follow Us on Instagram 📸: Get behind-the-scenes content and more here: Join Us on Facebook 👥: Connect with our community here: Watch Us on Rumble 🎥: Explore exclusive videos here: Thank you for being part of our journey at Tip of the Spear 🌟. Together, we can shine a light on truth and prophecy.
October 7: Never Again - The Documentary - YouTube
Mainstream media is once again using a tragedy to push the climate change agenda in the wake of Hurricane Helene in an attempt to ratchet up the public fear. Hear why mountains of data show otherwise and the strong claims made by experts that are now debunked. AIRDATE: October 3, 2024
ANSWERED! 8 Tough Questions on Whether the TRIBULATION Really Started - YouTube
ANSWERED! 8 Tough Questions on Whether the TRIBULATION Really Started - YouTube
Did the Tribulation REALLY start on Oct 2? If so, why doesn't it feel like the Tribulation? Where is the Antichrist? Why isn't there a 3rd Temple yet? And why didn't anything special happen Oct 2? In this Nelson Walters video, we answer questions like this we've gotten from our viewers and more to show the Tribulation most likely did start. Exact Date the Tribulation Must Start Video Link Greatest Event in Last 1950 Years Video Link If the Tribulation Started, Did We Miss the Rapture Video Link
ANSWERED! 8 Tough Questions on Whether the TRIBULATION Really Started - YouTube
TABOO: This Shocking Event Must Happen Before Jesus Returns - No One Talks About It - YouTube
TABOO: This Shocking Event Must Happen Before Jesus Returns - No One Talks About It - YouTube
This subject is TABOO with most Bible scholars and preachers. This shocking event must happen before Jesus returns, but no one wants to talk about it. Click here to watch this Nelson Walters video to find out the event that no one wants to talk about that MUST happen before the return of Jesus. This video was produced by Craig Campbell of our Video Team
TABOO: This Shocking Event Must Happen Before Jesus Returns - No One Talks About It - YouTube
Can We REALLY Trust the Bible? Authority, Proof, and Archaeology - YouTube
Can We REALLY Trust the Bible? Authority, Proof, and Archaeology - YouTube
Henry B. Smith Jr. presents the archaeological evidence connected to Jesus' healing of the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12. The Capernaum Synagogue, Peter's House, ceramic roof tiles, worldview and academic paradigms, and Jesus's status as God are covered. A 40 minute Q&A session follows. Filmed at Calvary Chapel, Lynchburg, VA. Posted with permission.
Can We REALLY Trust the Bible? Authority, Proof, and Archaeology - YouTube
The Ark and the Darkness - Full Official Movie - YouTube
The Ark and the Darkness - Full Official Movie - YouTube
The leading evidences for Noah's Flood! Enjoy the Ark and the Darkness, full-length version! See more about the movie here: and order the movie and book resources here:
The Ark and the Darkness - Full Official Movie - YouTube
If TRIBULATION Began on OCT 2 - DId We Just Miss the Pre-trib Rapture?????? - YouTube
If TRIBULATION Began on OCT 2 - DId We Just Miss the Pre-trib Rapture?????? - YouTube
Did the Tribulation begin on October 2 with the signing of the Covenant with the Many from Dan 9:27 by the United Nations? Did Jesus just break the First Seal of Revelation? Does this mean the world just missed the the Pre-trib Rapture?? What do two eminent Pre-Trib teachers, JD Farag and Amir Tsafadi think about missing the Rapture? Click here to watch this Nelson Walters video to see the incredible implications.
If TRIBULATION Began on OCT 2 - DId We Just Miss the Pre-trib Rapture?????? - YouTube
Joe Rogan Goes Silent When Tucker Reveals This About The CIA And Julian Assange - YouTube
Joe Rogan Goes Silent When Tucker Reveals This About The CIA And Julian Assange - YouTube
Find out more, watch the video here Watch my new series 'The Oracles' here: WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble: EXCLUSIVE Content HERE: All links:
Joe Rogan Goes Silent When Tucker Reveals This About The CIA And Julian Assange - YouTube
Forgotten Prophecies of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Josh Peck - YouTube
Forgotten Prophecies of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Josh Peck - YouTube
The Essenes had their own unique calendar which has stirred up controversy in Christian circles. Using this ancient calendar, Jewish Feast Days, Shemitah cycles, and Jubilee years, their research leads us to believe that we are the generation that will see the return of Jesus. Josh’s advanced research is exciting, revealing things that have been secreted away for thousands of years. GET THE BOOKS: We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think. DONATE: FIND US ON THE WEB: TikTok: IG: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:
Forgotten Prophecies of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Josh Peck - YouTube
The FUTURE WAR Prophecies Happening NOW!!! - YouTube
The FUTURE WAR Prophecies Happening NOW!!! - YouTube
In this timely Q and A interview, which includes slides & images, Tom Hughes and Bill Salus discuss the following topics. Iran vs. Israel in Jer. 49:34-39 and Ezekiel 38. The destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17, has it been historically fulfilled, or is it still unfulfilled? Israel vs. Hezbollah in prophecy. The IDF in Bible prophecy. Is America blessing Israel? When will Israel dwell securely? The Ten Kings of Rev. 17. Why Zechariah 12 is not about Armageddon. Click the bell icon next to the SUBSCRIBE button to get alerts when a new video is uploaded. Visit Website: Read Daily News Reports: Subscribe to Newsletter: Bill's Articles: Products:
The FUTURE WAR Prophecies Happening NOW!!! - YouTube
Who is the Prince of the Covenant that Just Launched the Tribulation? We NAME NAMES! - YouTube
Who is the Prince of the Covenant that Just Launched the Tribulation? We NAME NAMES! - YouTube
Who is the Prince of the Covenant that Just Launched the TRIBULATION? In this teaching we name NAMES and examine each candidate, from the Pope to Mohammed bin Salman to Prince Charles to Trump and why each man may or may not be the Prince who is to come. Click here to find out why the Prince of the Covenant doesn't have to be the Antichrist. Video link on who is the Prince of the Covenant Video link on Greatest Prophetic event in last 1950 year
Who is the Prince of the Covenant that Just Launched the Tribulation? We NAME NAMES! - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: Purchase the Creation Bundle: Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube