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Exhaustive proof that dinosaurs lived recently - YouTube
Exhaustive proof that dinosaurs lived recently - YouTube
Enjoy this 5-minute clip from our movie "The Ark and the Darkness" that shows clear evidence for dinosaurs living recently and killed just thousands of years ago in the Genesis Flood. The second part of this video provides a more technical explanation about dinosaur soft tissue. See more here:
Exhaustive proof that dinosaurs lived recently - YouTube
BREAKING: Hezbollah Rockets SLAM Israel; West Bank Designated ACTIVE Combat Zone | TBN Israel - YouTube
BREAKING: Hezbollah Rockets SLAM Israel; West Bank Designated ACTIVE Combat Zone | TBN Israel - YouTube
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that the IDF has destroyed several new Hamas terror tunnels in Gaza, one in which a Hamas tunnel warfare manual was found. In Judea and Samaria, the IDF continues its antiterrorism operations as Iran attempts to ignite another front there against Israel. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel. Our sponsor for today's video, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, is raising contributions to provide essential aid and offer training and specialized gear for volunteers and medical responders. Every Donation you make is going directly for the effort of saving lives here in Israel. Please visit their page at: WWW.FOI.ORG Please join us in praying for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. TBN Israel is creating cutting-edge content that tells the continuing, multi-faceted narrative of Israel. And it all happens through partners like you. Your financial support enables TBN Israel to produce engaging, one-of-a-kind programming that educates viewers around the world about this land and people so loved by God. Donate today: This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. Get weekly summaries of the top news from Israel and the Middle East delivered to your inbox: WATCH full episodes of Insights: Israel & The Middle East for free on TBN+: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW US: TBN Israel Instagram:​ TBN Israel Facebook: #israel #iran #hezbollah #hamas #israelwar #israelnews #tbnisrael
BREAKING: Hezbollah Rockets SLAM Israel; West Bank Designated ACTIVE Combat Zone | TBN Israel - YouTube
Daniel: Prophet or Phony? - YouTube
Daniel: Prophet or Phony? - YouTube
The Bible says Daniel was written in the 6th century BC. Critics say Daniel was written in the 2nd century BC, and then the author pretended to predict events that had already come to pass. Was Daniel a pretender, or a prophet who was given visions of the future by the God of Scripture? Check out the top ten archaeological discoveries related to Daniel!
Daniel: Prophet or Phony? - YouTube
The Apostasy Of The Pope | Jonathan Cahn - YouTube
The Apostasy Of The Pope | Jonathan Cahn - YouTube
A seismic end-time event recently happened in the church and our culture. Jonathan Cahn exposes it and what it may mean for your future.TO SUBSCRIBE: https:/...
The Apostasy Of The Pope | Jonathan Cahn - YouTube
Coming Soon! Are You Ready for Jesus to Return? - YouTube
Coming Soon! Are You Ready for Jesus to Return? - YouTube
The Promised Return of Jesus is Very Near. Are You Ready?Many will say to Jesus in that day "Lord! Lord!" open the door for us also, but He will tell them, "...
Coming Soon! Are You Ready for Jesus to Return? - YouTube
Dead Sea Scroll Mysteries | Josh Peck - YouTube
Dead Sea Scroll Mysteries | Josh Peck - YouTube
The Week in Bible Prophecy is a podcast ministry outreach of Prophecy Watchers. Make sure to find our other content on that channel and subscribe to both. SU...
Dead Sea Scroll Mysteries | Josh Peck - YouTube