Shabbat Night Live 4 Kevin Fisher, Noah's Ark Found - YouTube
Shroud Of Turin
Shroud Center
Shroud of Turin -- Christ’s Blood Is Both There and on the Sudarium of (...)
Blood and markings on two relics venerated as burial cloths of Christ match, providing physical evidence of His torture, execution, and resurrection.
Shroud Photos – The Site of Vernon D. Miller's 1978 Photographs of The Shroud of Turin
Shroud Photos
The Blood on the Shroud of Turin Species Unknown Kelly Kearse -
The Shroud of Turin is an approximately 14 x 3.5 feet linen cloth of unknown origins bearing the faint frontal and dorsal images of a man with reddish areas corresponding to wounds at the head, hands, side, feet and back. Previous studies have shown
The Holy Face Project
The Shroud of Turin, the Relics of Jesus, and Eucharistic Miracles The Significance of Type AB blood Kelly Kearse -
Various relics ascribed to have been in physical contact with Jesus have been evaluated for the presence of blood, including the Tunic of Argenteuil, the Sudarium of Oviedo, and most famously, the Shroud of Turin. Congruence was reported for certain
Turin Shroud 'is not a medieval forgery' - Telegraph