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Rejuvenation Dentistry Premier Biological Dental Care
Rejuvenation Dentistry Premier Biological Dental Care
Here at Rejuvenation Dentistry we offer restorative dentistry in the form of dental crowns and bridges. Make your appointment by contacting our New York, NY office.
Rejuvenation Dentistry Premier Biological Dental Care
Efficacy of Acacia arabica gum as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis A randomized controlled clinical trial
Efficacy of Acacia arabica gum as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis A randomized controlled clinical trial
The aim of the present study was to explore the adjunctive use of Acacia arabica gel in the treatment of chronic periodontitis.Single centre, randomised, triple blind, controlled trial on mild to moderate chronic periodontitis patients; Group I (SRP + Acacia ...
Efficacy of Acacia arabica gum as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis A randomized controlled clinical trial
Is CAPB in SLS-Free Toothpaste Any Better - YouTube
Is CAPB in SLS-Free Toothpaste Any Better - YouTube
For those with recurrent canker sores, is it better to use a toothpaste with SLS, CAPB, or no foaming agents at all? Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: Support with a donation at Sodium lauryl sulfate? Wasn’t that part of some internet hoax? Yes—I covered the background in my last video: Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Safe? ( For more tips on oral health, see: • Plant-Based Diets: Oral Health ( • Plant-Based Diets: Dental Health ( • Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold? ( • What’s the Best Mouthwash? ( • Protecting Teeth From Hibiscus Tea ( • Antibacterial Toothpaste: Harmful, Helpful, or Harmless? ( • Do Raisins Cause Cavities? ( Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Icons created by Oliviu Stoian from The Noun Project. Image credit: Kristina DeMuth • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
Is CAPB in SLS-Free Toothpaste Any Better - YouTube
Is gluten bad for your teeth Can Gluten Cause Cavities - YouTube
Is gluten bad for your teeth Can Gluten Cause Cavities - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - Think a gluten free diet might be right for you? Take the quiz here - Is gluten bad for your teeth? Can Gluten Cause Cavities? Is gluten consumption linked to enamel erosion? These are questions that researchers are answering... Dental research shows that eating gluten can actually cause erosion of tooth enamel. This in turn can lead to an increased risk for developing cavities. Several studies show the connection. Additionally, research states that tooth erosion can be the only symptom of gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, or celiac disease for some people. If you struggle with poor dentition despite good oral hygiene practices, you might consider a gluten free diet. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Is gluten bad for your teeth Can Gluten Cause Cavities - YouTube
Revitin is a prebiotic toothpaste that’s fluoride free, SLS free, and safe enough to eat; providing whiter teeth, stronger enamel, and lasting fresh breath.
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash Harmful for Teeth GreenMedInfo
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash Harmful for Teeth GreenMedInfo
Regarded as a legendary healing compound, scientific evidence shows that hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and bleaching is actually harmful for teeth and may cause tissue irritation and teeth sensitivity and compromise long-term dental health
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash Harmful for Teeth GreenMedInfo
The oral bacterial microbiome of occlusal surfaces in children and its (...)
The oral bacterial microbiome of occlusal surfaces in children and its (...)
Dental caries is the most prevalent disease in humans globally. Efforts to control it have been invigorated by an increasing knowledge of the oral microbiome composition. This study aimed to evaluate the bacterial diversity in occlusal biofilms and its relationship with clinical surface diagnosis and dietary habits. Anamneses were recorded from thirteen 12-year-old children. Biofilm samples collected from occlusal surfaces of 46 permanent second molars were analyzed by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing combined with the BLASTN-based search algorithm for species identification. The overall mean decayed, missing and filled surfaces modified index [DMFSm Index, including active white spot lesions (AWSL)] value was 8.77±7.47. Biofilm communities were highly polymicrobial collectively, representing 10 bacterial phyla, 25 classes, 29 orders, 58 families, 107 genera, 723 species. Streptococcus sp_Oral_Taxon_065, Corynebacterium matruchotii, Actinomyces viscosus, Actinomyces sp_Oral_Taxon_175, Actinomyces sp_Oral_Taxon_178, Actinomyces sp_Oral_Taxon_877, Prevotella nigrescens, Dialister micraerophilus, Eubacterium_XI G 1 infirmum were more abundant among surfaces with AWSL, and Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus sp._Oral_Taxon_058, Enterobacter sp._str._638 Streptococcus australis, Yersinia mollaretii, Enterobacter cloacae, Streptococcus sp._Oral_Taxon_71, Streptococcus sp._Oral_Taxon_F11, Centipeda sp._Oral_Taxon_D18 were more abundant among sound surfaces. Streptococcus mutans was detected on all surfaces in all patients, while Streptococcus sobrinus was detected only in three patients (mean relative abundances 7.1% and 0.6%, respectively). Neither species differentiated healthy from diseased sites. Diets of nine of the subjects were scored as high in fermentable carbohydrates (≧2X/day between meals). A direct association between relative abundances of bacteria and carbohydrate consumption was observed among 18 species. High consumption of fermentable carbohydrates and sound surfaces were associated with a reduction in bacterial diversity. PCoA plots displayed differences in bacterial community profiles between sound and diseased surfaces. Our study showed that, in addition to mutans streptococci, other species may be associated with the initiation of dental caries on occlusal surfaces, and that biofilm diversity of tooth surfaces is influenced by carbohydrate consumption and a surface’s health status.
The oral bacterial microbiome of occlusal surfaces in children and its (...)
First data on new dental fillings that will repair tooth decay -- Scie (...)
First data on new dental fillings that will repair tooth decay -- Scie (...)
The first data on dental fillings that can actively repair tooth decay has been presented by a researcher. This data, indicating smart repair of tooth decay, prolonging the life of composite fillings and reducing the need for mercury based amalgams indicates a significant step forward in tooth restorative materials.
First data on new dental fillings that will repair tooth decay -- Scie (...)
The SMART Choice
The SMART Choice
The Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART), recommendations are for removing existing dental mercury amalgam fillings safely.
The SMART Choice
Another reason to break the habit Smoking alters bacterial balance in (...)
Another reason to break the habit Smoking alters bacterial balance in (...)
Smoking drastically alters the oral microbiome, the mix of roughly 600 bacterial species that live in people's mouths, a new study has found. The researchers say their analysis is the most comprehensive to date to examine the effects of smoking on the make-up and action of bacterial species in the human mouth based on precise genetic testing.
Another reason to break the habit Smoking alters bacterial balance in (...)
Tips for optimal oral health! - YouTube
Tips for optimal oral health! - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - So what can you do to support the health of your mouth? Here are some actionable tips for optimal oral health: Avoid gluten: one of the most straightforward tactics is simply to remove gluten from your diet, just as you would to manage other manifestations of celiac disease Avoid antibacterial mouthwashes: just like antibiotics, antibacterial mouthwashes can’t tell the difference between good and bad bacteria and just kill it all. This can damage the balance of bacteria in your oral microbiome and ultimately do more harm than good Take probiotics: probiotics can not only help support the balance of bacteria in your gut, they can also support the balance of bacteria in your mouth, lowering the chance of bad breath, cavities, gum disease and even tooth loss Avoid acidic foods: if oral lesions exist, acidic foods can exacerbate discomfort and inhibit healing. Try intermittent fasting: intermittent fasting allows you to limit the amount of sugars and other particles in your mouth, and the time they spend there. This helps to naturally reduce the amount of bacteria that causes plaque, which can lead to inflammation of the gums. Keeping your mouth free of food for 12-16 hours or more also gives your mouth a break and allows it time to heal any sores or lesions that exist. Keeping your mouth free of food for 16 to 24 hours is like a daily detox for the gums and teeth. Consider nutrient testing and supplementation: since celiac disease and gluten sensitivity can lead to nutritional deficiencies which can exacerbate oral health concerns, consider testing your levels of key nutrients and supplementing as needed to get your levels back into healthy ranges where needed. Test for food sensitivities: your sensitivities may extend beyond gluten. Ask your doctor for a comprehensive food sensitivity test to identify other foods that may be contributing to compromised health – whether in your mouth, your gut, or elsewhere! To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Tips for optimal oral health! - YouTube
Vitamins, Minerals, and Your Mouth - YouTube
Vitamins, Minerals, and Your Mouth - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - As we know, gluten sensitivity can also cause nutritional deficiencies, and these deficiencies can lead to further complications when it comes to oral health. You can see how one complication can quickly lead to another, resulting in a domino effect, with gluten sensitivity at the root of it all. The following are examples of how nutrient deficiencies can lead to oral health concerns. Iron Can cause angular stomatitis, causing saliva buildup at the corners of the mouth. Microorganisms build up, leading to painful burning sores and dry lips. Vitamin D Can cause enlarged andenoids, compromising tooth integrity, and abnormal patterns in the alveolar bone (part of the jaw that supports the teeth). * can manifest as Andenotonsillar Hypertrophy Zinc Can cause loss of sensation in the tongue, loss of taste, dry mouth, and susceptibility to gum disease. Vitamin C Can cause irregular formation of dentin, alterations of the dental pulp, bleeding gums, delayed would healing in the mouth, and defective collagen formation. Vitam B1, B2, B3 Can cause inflammation of the tongue and cheilosis, corners of the mouth become inflamed, leading to pain and potentially bleeding, making it difficult to yawn, chew or speak. Vitamin B6 Can lead to periodontal disease, anemia, sore tongue, and burning in the mouth. Vitamin B12 Can lead to bone loss around the teeth, hemorrhagic gingivitis, detachment of periodontal fibers, painful ulcers in the mouth, and angular cheilosis. Vitamin A Can cause impaired tooth formation, enamel hypoplasia, and decreased epithelial tissue development. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Vitamins, Minerals, and Your Mouth - YouTube
Are Root Canals Really a Cause of Cancer
Are Root Canals Really a Cause of Cancer
Dr. Weston Price was one of the first researchers to understand the association between root canals and illness. Specifically that root canals can cause the destruction of systemic health and the development of chronic illness. Many doctors today believe that root canals are the infected sites of origin which promote the decline in immunity and systemic health. Given the well-established link between root canals and illness... can root canals cause cancer? Root Canals Promote Secondary Infections The nerve and dental decay from a damaged tooth is removed during a root canal. In theory, the chemical solution used to disinfect the area is
Are Root Canals Really a Cause of Cancer
Nanoparticles used to break up plaque and prevent cavities -- ScienceD (...)
Nanoparticles used to break up plaque and prevent cavities -- ScienceD (...)
The bacteria that live in dental plaque and contribute to tooth decay often resist traditional antimicrobial treatment, as they can 'hide' within a sticky biofilm matrix, a glue-like polymer scaffold. A new strategy took a more sophisticated approach.
Nanoparticles used to break up plaque and prevent cavities -- ScienceD (...)
Nanoparticles used to break up plaque and prevent cavities -- ScienceDaily
Nanoparticles used to break up plaque and prevent cavities -- ScienceDaily
The bacteria that live in dental plaque and contribute to tooth decay often resist traditional antimicrobial treatment, as they can 'hide' within a sticky biofilm matrix, a glue-like polymer scaffold. A new strategy took a more sophisticated approach.
Nanoparticles used to break up plaque and prevent cavities -- ScienceDaily