Urine Therapy
The Benefits of Urine Therapy – Global Healing
Thousands of medicines are available in the market for various diseases. Every medicine has an individual effect on body organs & its various systems. Stomach medications cannot be put in eyes. Eye medicine is not used for the ear & ear medicine is not suitable for the mouth. But Urine is the only medicine prep
Urine therapy in Ayurveda Ancient insights to modern discoveries for cancer regression - PMC
Investigation of spontaneous regressions (SR) of cancer may explain host mechanisms of control by anticancer substance (A.C.S.). Documented human SR, of bladder cancer after uretero-sigmoidostomy and of uterine leiomyosarcoma after irreparable vesico-vaginal ...
Urine Therapy Martha Christy, author of 'Your Own Perfect Medicine' - YouTube
Narrated by I.P. Freely. Martha Christy has by far been the biggest driving force in the incredibly difficult task of teaching people about the subject of urine therapy, but as a living testament of what this therapy is capable of Martha has literally dedicated her life to passing this very important knowledge along in hopes of it getting to the right people who are in need of it the most. You can find her book for free in PDF form on the internet, or can buy her book for fairly cheap on eBay or Amazon, but be sure to find the edition that has the scientific case studies on urine and urea as that's the longer edition that's more worth getting. Though her book alone should be enough to at least sway your opinion about the matter you should also search far and wide for all the information you can on the subject if you are really wanting to find out the full story and fully quench your thirst for this knowledge, and you'll learn how and why this information is being suppressed from being general knowledge, and why you went however many years of life without ever even hearing about it. The fact that this therapy works as well as it's being touted still baffles me every day as I've looked deep into the psychological factors at work here, and so I fully understand how weird this can be for some people. Let's just put names, feelings, and beliefs aside and get to the bottom of this so that our future can have many more stories of people recovering their failing health and finally living a pain free life full of hope instead of the inevitable dread of knowing that they will be dying in pain while having very limited time left here. Time to get past our childish misconceptions and at least give this therapy a chance because those folks deserve much better than what is currently being offered to them. It's an option that one doesn't even have to take if they absolutely don't want to, but it should at least be an option for them, and if doctors finally offer urine injections and recommend them to their patients and inform them that they work who is going to turn that down compared to the deadly alternatives? I can understand people not being able to cope with drinking it, but when it comes to something that works people will go with the best option that is recommended by someone they trust (and as we know most people trust doctors a lot).