I'm a teacher in Italian quarantine, and e-learning is no substitute for the real thing (2020)

Digital Society
Is this the greenest city in the world? (2020)
Forward-thinking Utrecht builds car-free district for 12,000 people (2020)
The Danger of Delegating Education to Journalists (2020)
The Future of Smart Cities, 2020 Study - Identifies Unique Intelligent Transport Strategies Adopted by Major Smart Cities from a Global Perspective
The Future Of Work Is About Humans
The Guardian: Teaching a robot to do my job (and grimly cheering my obsolescence) (2020)
'Electronic nose' could smell breath to warn about higher risk of oesophageal cancer (2020)
Where Are the Robots? (2020)
Can the US government stem the tide of ‘fake news’ in a postmodern world? (2020)
As electric car sales soar, the industry faces a cobalt crisis (2020)
Surgeons successfully treat brain aneurysms using a robot (2020)
Assessing risk, automating racism (2020)
How smart cities can make the world better (2020)
Can we fix our way out of the growing e-waste problem? (2020)
New Scientist: Cyborg grasshoppers have been engineered to sniff out explosives (2020)
Move over, sniffer dogs: now there's bomb-sensing grasshoppers. Barani Raman and colleagues at Washington University in St. Louis in Missouri have tapped into the olfactory senses of the American grasshopper, Schistocerca amer… https://ift.tt/2uVJbQn
Information Age: How machine learning will transform hospitality -
How Machine Learning Will Transform the Way Employers and Candidates Connect - insideBIGDATA
Surgeons use robot to operate inside eye in world first (2016)
The Quest To Grow Cities From Scratch (2017)
The Internet of Things enables a floating city of pleasure... and a vision of hell (2019)
The four-year university model needs a lifelong learning overhaul (2020)
Bright lights, tech city for the no-collar worker (2020)
Giant dams enclosing North Sea could protect millions from rising waters (2020)
The New York Times: Andrew Yang: Yes, Robots Are Stealing Your Job (2019)
Graying Japan wants automation, not immigration | The Japan Times
Japan′s new visa regulation opens door to foreign labor | Asia| An in-depth look at news from across the continent | DW | 10.04.2019
The future of work: A government blueprint (2020)
A new implant for blind people jacks directly into the brain
Climate change: Clean tech 'won't solve warming in time' (2020)