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Gu i d e t o A s s e s sme n t C y c l e | 7 Step 3: SLO Alignment to Program and Institution SLOs •Once SLO statements are written for courses, responsible for the discipline faculty align specific course student learning outcomes to Program Learning Outcomes and further to Institutional Learning Outcomes. These are skills and competencies acquired by students at the program and institutional levels usually in a sequence of courses that constitute a program.•While Course Outline of Records delineates specific course level outcomes, program learning outcomes may come from a variety of documents that provide specific guidelines from outside of our institutions. Depending on the discipline, those could be Board of Registered Nursing, American Psychological Association, the Association of Computer Engineers and Technicians, just to give some examples. These will help specify skills and competencies that students finishing programs should possess.•Just like is the case with course level outcomes, a thorough and in-depth analysis of program learning outcomes needs to be performed to establish links and alignment between course level outcomes and competencies and skills exhibited by students completing the given program.•Institutional level outcomes (ILOs) need to be aligned with institution’s mission and vision statements. ILOs are usually broader competencies such as: critical thinking, leadership, problem solving, or communication skills and they can be found in subject matter of any discipline and should be of interest to all stakeholders throughout the institution. After all, we all want our students to manifest critical thinking, empathy, and collaboration skills upon graduation regardless of the program they completed.