Re: Specifics about start_time and end_time on PageView endpoint
Hi , I came across this unanswered question while doing. a cleanup of the community. All Canvas API calls use the ISO8601 date/time format. You can find some info about this on the SIS Import Format Documentation - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation page. Hope this helps, even though it's a late ans...
Group work enhances student performance in biology: A meta-analysis | BioScience | Oxford Academic
Abstract. We conducted a meta-analysis to test the impacts of one active learning teaching strategy, group work, on student performance by calculating esti
What is a Pedagogy of Kindness? — Three Questions about Teaching and Learning (3QTL)
Justice, believing students, and believing in students: according to Dr. Cate Denial, these are the three pillars of “a pedagogy of kindness,” an approach to teaching and learning that centers care for ourselves, as instructors, and care for our…
Fostering Neurodivergent Learners’ Growth — Teaching in Higher Ed
Will Hennessy shares about fostering neurodivergent learners’ growth on episode 499 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary, internal and external tics that occur repeatedly in the same way. OCD is a neurological disorder that causes problems with information processing. -Will Hennessy I honestly thought that I just wasn’t as smart as my peers, that I just needed to try harder, or that one day, I guess, it would just kinda all click in my brain. Now, obviously, I know that’s not the case now, but that’s kind of where I was at. -Will Hennessy I want to create inclusive learning environments for neurodivergent learners and introverts, students like me. -Will Hennessy Structure is incredibly important for neurodivergent learners. Even though we’re implementing flexibility and choice, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be a free for all where students can just do whatever they want, that could actually hinder…
An unessay assignment provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in innovative and creative ways. In this episode, Jessamyn Neuhaus and Maggie Schmuhl join us to discuss how they have employed unessay assignments in their courses. Jessamyn is the Director of the SUNY Plattsburgh Center for Teaching Excellence and a Professor in the History Department at SUNY Plattsburgh. She is the author of Geeky Pedagogy: a Guide for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to be Effective Teachers. She is the editor of Picture a Professor: Interrupting Biases about Faculty and Increasing Student Learning. Maggie is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and the Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at SUNY-Oswego. A transcript of this episode and show notes may be found at
The Ones Too Often Left Behind In Higher Education — Teaching in Higher Ed
Todd Zakrajsek shares about the ones who are too often left behind in higher education on episode 494 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I don’t want to see a person left behind. -Todd Zakrajsek I just assumed that teaching looked a certain way, and then little by little, I started meeting different individuals who struggled for different reasons. -Todd Zakrajsek Teaching is the profession that makes all professions possible. -Todd Zakrajsek Nobody fails alone. -Todd Zakrajsek Resources Todd’s website Lilly Conferences Past TiHE Episodes with Todd Zakrajsek The New Science of Learning, by Todd Zakrajsek Donate Bluesky Codes to Members of the Chronic Illness/Disability Communities
How do I record a screen capture video in Canvas Studio with a Safari or Firefox browser?
In Canvas Studio you can record a screen capture using a Safari or Firefox browser. Screen captures can be created from any page in your account. You can use the screen capture tool to record media for any length of time, depending on your computer's memory. Learn how to record Canvas Studio screen ...
How do I record a screen capture video in Canvas Studio with a Chrome or Edge browser?
Canvas Studio Capture for Chrome and Edge browsers is an integrated screen capture option currently available to Canvas customers using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers. Canvas Studio Capture for Chrome and Edge browsers integrates with your existing webcam and eliminates the need to downloa...
Established in 2012, the Center for Teaching Excellence at Rice University seeks to transform teaching through mentoring, innovative practices, collaboration, scholarship, and advocacy. The CTE actively engages faculty, staff, students, and community partners, and brings them into conversation to achieve excellence in teaching and learning. We seek to enhance and promote the strong teaching culture at Rice, which is a core value of our institution.
Canvas Badges/Credentials has partnered with Lightcast to display skills that lead to a successful career or promotion directly from your learner's badge award. When you issue badges with a Canvas Credentials issuer, you can now link your badges with skills that connect to job market data when those...
Panel Discussion - Developing and Communicating AI Policies in Higher Education
The swift growth of AI has made it essential for institutions to establish, convey and maintain clear AI policies. In this panel discussion, join four distinguished…
The leading provider of online program-sharing in higher education. Innovate your campus with hybrid, market-responsive degrees that pair with your existing course catalog.
This article is for admins. Important: By setting up Assignments in Canvas, Workspace users may choose to submit Docs and student grades to Canvas. Canvas Terms and Privacy Policy will apply to data
This article is for admins. Important: By setting up Assignments in Canvas, Workspace users may choose to submit Docs and student grades to Canvas. Canvas Terms and Privacy Policy will apply to data