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Undeleting things in Canvas
Undeleting things in Canvas
I'm sure over 90% of people know some of these tricks but I always like to share stuff just in case someone doesn't know some ways to get things back in Canvas. Recovering things in a course As a former Blackabord admin I always got that cold feeling in my stomach when someone would call me to tell...
Undeleting things in Canvas
Divs overlap when resizing...How to I prevent this?
Divs overlap when resizing...How to I prevent this?
I'm loving being able to use div tags instead of tables, but when I resize the page the items overlap. How can I prevent this? Here is my code: div style="float: left; width: 50%;" table style="height: 156px; border-style: solid; width: 322px;" border="1" width="330" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="...
Divs overlap when resizing...How to I prevent this?
Blueprint Ins and Outs
Blueprint Ins and Outs
TL;DR Blueprints are a powerful tool that can be used for pushing content from one course into one or more other courses. They give you the option of locking individual pieces of content in the blueprint course to restrict editing capability for that content in other courses. They are great for dist...
Blueprint Ins and Outs
How do I grade group assignments in SpeedGrader? - Instructure Community
How do I grade group assignments in SpeedGrader? - Instructure Community
Before you can evaluate group work, you will need to create a group assignment. Students can submit Google documents, pages, and other group work as an assignment. Open SpeedGrader Open SpeedGrader from the group assignment. View Group Submissions When evaluating group assignments, the SpeedGr...
How do I grade group assignments in SpeedGrader? - Instructure Community
How do I assign an assignment to a course group? - Instructure Community
How do I assign an assignment to a course group? - Instructure Community
You can create a group assignment by using the Group Assignment checkbox. Canvas uses group sets to assign group assignments, and each group within the group set that is assigned to the assignment is required to complete the assignment. When creating or editing a group assignment, you can assign an ...
How do I assign an assignment to a course group? - Instructure Community
How do I import content from Moodle into Canvas? - Canvas Community
How do I import content from Moodle into Canvas? - Canvas Community
You can import prior content from Moodle exports into Canvas. Note: Moodle Lessons are not supported by Canvas import. Open Settings In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Import Content into Course Click the Import Course Content link. Select Content Type In the Content Type drop-d...
How do I import content from Moodle into Canvas? - Canvas Community
How do I format CSV text files for uploading SIS d... - Canvas Community
How do I format CSV text files for uploading SIS d... - Canvas Community
Canvas allows you to manually bulk create users, accounts, terms, courses, sections, enrollments, and logins through the Admin interface. This document references the SIS Import CSV Format API page, where the majority of the CSV information is located. Each CSV file is symbiotic with another and tel...
How do I format CSV text files for uploading SIS d... - Canvas Community
What is the Canvas release schedule for beta, prod... - Canvas Community
What is the Canvas release schedule for beta, prod... - Canvas Community
Instructure is committed to consistently improving the Canvas user experience. The cloud-based platform maintains an agile production cycle with bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in three Canvas environments: beta, production, and test. All Canvas environments are also available on any mobi...
What is the Canvas release schedule for beta, prod... - Canvas Community
Canvas Introduces Certification Program
Canvas Introduces Certification Program
Instructure, the parent company of learning management system Canvas, is introducing a new credential for educators who wish to demonstrate their mastery of the platform. The Canvas Certified Educator Program was announced at the CanvasCon conference Wednesday. It is an online certification with two tracks -- one for K-12 and one for higher education. “Canvas Certified Educator is a direct response to requests from our customers the past few years,” said Melissa Loble, chief customer experience officer at Instructure, in a press release. “They want to have a deeper knowledge of the platform...
Canvas Introduces Certification Program
How do I act as a user in the Student app on my An... - Canvas Community
How do I act as a user in the Student app on my An... - Canvas Community
If you are an admin, you can act as instructors in the Student app and take any action in the app as if they were the student. Only account-level users with the Act as users account permission can act as other users. This permission does not apply to sub-account admins. Note: When masquerading as a ...
How do I act as a user in the Student app on my An... - Canvas Community
Canvas LTI Integration - Setup & FAQ
Canvas LTI Integration - Setup & FAQ
Canvas is the LMS that makes teaching and learning easier. Flipgrid is the video discussion platform that makes teaching and learning more personal, fun, and engaging. Integrate the two platforms s...
Canvas LTI Integration - Setup & FAQ
Instructors | How do I add emojis to my Canvas Page?
Instructors | How do I add emojis to my Canvas Page?
Emojis are a fun way to enhance the content in your course. You can add emojis anywhere in your Canvas course including Pages, Rubrics, Discussions, etc. This guide will show you how to add emojis to Pages.
Instructors | How do I add emojis to my Canvas Page?
Troubleshooting: unauthorized_client
Troubleshooting: unauthorized_client
On rare occasion, you may be presented with an error message in Canvas. We are working to make the error messages more meaningful, but in the meantime, you may find some helpful tips below. The tips below are suggested actions based on past ...
Troubleshooting: unauthorized_client