Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

"#higher education" #podcast
Fostering Neurodivergent Learners’ Growth — Teaching in Higher Ed
Fostering Neurodivergent Learners’ Growth — Teaching in Higher Ed
Will Hennessy shares about fostering neurodivergent learners’ growth on episode 499 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary, internal and external tics that occur repeatedly in the same way. OCD is a neurological disorder that causes problems with information processing. -Will Hennessy I honestly thought that I just wasn’t as smart as my peers, that I just needed to try harder, or that one day, I guess, it would just kinda all click in my brain. Now, obviously, I know that’s not the case now, but that’s kind of where I was at. -Will Hennessy I want to create inclusive learning environments for neurodivergent learners and introverts, students like me. -Will Hennessy Structure is incredibly important for neurodivergent learners. Even though we’re implementing flexibility and choice, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be a free for all where students can just do whatever they want, that could actually hinder…
Fostering Neurodivergent Learners’ Growth — Teaching in Higher Ed
Unessays — Tea for Teaching
Unessays — Tea for Teaching
An unessay assignment provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in innovative and creative ways. In this episode, Jessamyn Neuhaus and Maggie Schmuhl join us to discuss how they have employed unessay assignments in their courses. Jessamyn is the Director of the SUNY Plattsburgh Center for Teaching Excellence and a Professor in the History Department at SUNY Plattsburgh. She is the author of Geeky Pedagogy: a Guide for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to be Effective Teachers. She is the editor of Picture a Professor: Interrupting Biases about Faculty and Increasing Student Learning. Maggie is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and the Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at SUNY-Oswego. A transcript of this episode and show notes may be found at http://teaforteaching.com.
Unessays — Tea for Teaching
The Ones Too Often Left Behind In Higher Education — Teaching in Higher Ed
The Ones Too Often Left Behind In Higher Education — Teaching in Higher Ed
Todd Zakrajsek shares about the ones who are too often left behind in higher education on episode 494 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I don’t want to see a person left behind. -Todd Zakrajsek I just assumed that teaching looked a certain way, and then little by little, I started meeting different individuals who struggled for different reasons. -Todd Zakrajsek Teaching is the profession that makes all professions possible. -Todd Zakrajsek Nobody fails alone. -Todd Zakrajsek Resources Todd’s website Lilly Conferences Past TiHE Episodes with Todd Zakrajsek The New Science of Learning, by Todd Zakrajsek Donate Bluesky Codes to Members of the Chronic Illness/Disability Communities
The Ones Too Often Left Behind In Higher Education — Teaching in Higher Ed