Customizing Package Build Options – RStudio Support
Customizing Package Build Options Overview There are three R package build commands used by the RStudio package development tools: R CMD check R CMD build R CMD INSTALL It's possible to c...
Top 10 Todoist Tips & Hacks for 2020 — Keep Productive
Take your Todoist skills to the next level with our top 10 todoist tips, brought to you by Carl Pullein, the expert Todoist user hosting this list and video for you to bring your Todoist into 2020.
Your To Do List and Beyond: 8 Powerful Ways to Manage Your Tasks
There are so many things you need to do, and so many ways you could keep track of them. Search the App Store for "to do list," and you'll find thousands of tools that all promise to help you increase your productivity and get more done. An app is only...
The Future of the To-do List Is Not What You Think - Productivity Nine to F
The not-to-do list, the inverse of the to-do list, is a dynamic yet permanent list that you keep for your own reference to help filter out important work.
Beginner Programmers' Mistakes :: The Professional Programmer
The mistakes beginner programmers usually make. Learn to identify these situations and avoid them. :: My tips and advice on your journey from a beginner programmer into a professional one
Overview Code snippets are text macros that are used for quickly inserting common snippets of code. For example, the fun snippet inserts an R function definition: If you select the snippet from th...
Exploring Data - Creating Reactive Web Apps with R and Shiny
I developed a web application to enable exploration of the data collected by a survey of software testers. I explain how R and Shiny can be used to create reactive web applications which make data accessible to a wider audience.
4 Things You Can Do Right Now to Create a Perfectly Organized Google Drive
For some, organization is a necessity, but for many, being organized is an unattainable goal--until now. Create your dream Google Drive setup with these organization tips.
Before you can enjoy the perks of working from home, you need to set up a home office that is functional and efficient. Here's how to create your home office.
RStudio IDE Easy Tricks You Might've Missed · R Views
The RStudio IDE reached version 1.0 this month. The IDE has come a long way since the initial release 5 and a half years ago. Many major features have been built: projects, package building tools, notebooks. During that same period, often hidden in the shadows, a growing list of smaller features has been changing lives. In celebration of version 1.0 this post hopes to spread fanfare for a few of these easy-to-miss tools.
How to use Todoist to decrease anxiety and focus on what matters. | Values-
Todoist is simply an action and reference list system with a mission to help users become more productive and free. The platform allows you to organize tasks and information under different project…
The Ultimate Productivity Stack for 2020 | Best Productivity Apps
With so many productivity apps out there, which ones are actually worth it? We've handpicked the best apps for each of your needs. You can thank us later.