R Shiny for Enterprise - Applison
R Shiny for Enterprise - Applison
We create, maintain, and develop enterprise R Shiny dashboards. We deliver rapid development, scalability to thousands of users, and sophisticated UIUX.
R Shiny for Enterprise - Applison
Shiny Architecture (1/5) - Applison
Shiny Architecture (1/5) - Applison
Learn how to use the session argument as a global list for passing parameters between modules in advanced Shiny apps to simplify the objects’ flow in code., organize app content, simplify objects flow logic, decrease bugs, increase speed
Shiny Architecture (1/5) - Applison
Prototype to Production - Applison
Prototype to Production - Applison
We will start with a basic shiny dashboard that uses no libraries. Then we will enhance it using bootstrap and semantic UI. Then we use custom CSS.
Prototype to Production - Applison
R Shiny Google Group
R Shiny Google Group
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
R Shiny Google Group
Becoming Minimalist
Becoming Minimalist
Becoming Minimalist inspires others to journey towards simple living. Own less, live more.
Becoming Minimalist
Font Awesome
Font Awesome
The world’s most popular and easiest to use icon set just got an upgrade. More icons. More styles. More Options.
Font Awesome
Colin Fay
Colin Fay
Mostly R, data, and code.
Colin Fay
Tidyverse Blog
Tidyverse Blog
The tidyverse is an integrated collection of R packages designed to make data science fast, fluid, and fun.
Tidyverse Blog
RStudio Blog
RStudio Blog
This blog contains information on RStudio products and events, including RStudio open-source and commercial product announcements, company events, and company news.
RStudio Blog
R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers
Tidy evaluation
Tidy evaluation
The primary goal of this book is to get you up to speed with tidy evaluation and how to write functions around tidyverse pipelines and grammars.
Tidy evaluation
Business Science University
Business Science University
Learn from Virtual Workshops that take you through the entire Data-Science-for-Business process of solving problems with data science, using machine learning to create interactive applications, and distributing solutions within an organization.
Business Science University
R blog - Rtask
R blog - Rtask
The R task Force - R experts for all your needs
R blog - Rtask
All the best Open Source & Software as a Tool (SaaS) tools in one place, ranked by developers and companies using them. Compare and browse tech stacks from thousands of companies and software developers from around the world.
Astral is the best way to manage your starred repositories on GitHub using tags, notes and a powerful search feature.
Mastering Software Development in R
Mastering Software Development in R
The book covers R software development for building data science tools. As the field of data science evolves, it has become clear that software development skills are essential for producing useful data science results and products. You will obtain rigorous training in the R language, including the skills for handling complex data, building R packages and developing custom data visualizations. You will learn modern software development practices to build tools that are highly reusable, modular, and suitable for use in a team-based environment or a community of developers.
Mastering Software Development in R