

Using References
Using References
For API designers and writers wishing formalize their API in an OpenAPI Description document.
Using References in OpenAPI Descriptions OpenAPI Referencing is a powerful tool. It allows managing document size and complexity, and allows re-using shared components and avoiding copy-paste or change management errors. However, the history of referencing and the "$ref" keyword is complex, leading to slightly different behavior depending on the version of the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) that you are using, and on where in your OpenAPI Description (OAD) the reference occurs. There are also other "$ref"-like keywords ("operationRef", "mapping") and behaviors (referencing by component name or operation ID) that are related but somewhat different. Referencing can also be challenging to use due to incomplete and inconsistent support across different tools, some of which require references to be pre-processed before they can read the OAD. The resources in this section explain how to use referencing, and what to look for when assessing the referencing support in your OpenAPI tools.
The Future of References There are plans to reduce the complexity around references in future OpenAPI Specifications. The Moonwalk project is considering a different approach that imports complete documents, associates them with namespaces, and only supports referencing by component name (not "$ref"). A small example can be seen in the Moonwalk deployments proposal, and there are discussions around an initial draft proposal for imports and a few ideas on how to manage interactions with JSON Schema referencing. The proposed Workflows Specification is already using a "sourceDescription" field that is not unlike the Moonwalk proposal.
Using References
Reverse Engineer an API using MITMWEB and POSTMAN and create a Swagger file (crAPI)
Reverse Engineer an API using MITMWEB and POSTMAN and create a Swagger file (crAPI)
Many times when the we are trying to Pentest an API we might not get access to Swagger file or the documentations of the API, Today we will…
Many times when the we are trying to Pentest an API we might not get access to Swagger file or the documentations of the API, Today we will try to create the swagger file using Mitmweb and Postman.
Man in The Midlle Proxy (MITMweb)
run mitmweb through our command line in Kali
and as we can see it starts to listen on the port 8080 for http/https traffic, and we will make sure that its running by navigating to the above address which is the localhost at port 8081
and then we will proxy our traffic thorugh Burp Suite proxy port 8080 because we already has mitmweb listening for this port (make sure Burp is closed)
and then we will stop the capture and use mitmproxy2swagger to analyse it
Reverse Engineer an API using MITMWEB and POSTMAN and create a Swagger file (crAPI)
rstudio/swagger: Swagger is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
rstudio/swagger: Swagger is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
Swagger is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API. - rstudio/swagger
rstudio/swagger: Swagger is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.