

Describe R Stuff to Large Language Models
Describe R Stuff to Large Language Models
Provides a number of utilities for describing R objects and package documentation in plain text. For interactive use, this is especially powerful for describing relevant pieces of context to large language models. When used programmatically, these utilities can be registered with ellmer chats as tool calls, enabling language models to peruse package documentation and explore your computational environment.
Describe R Stuff to Large Language Models
Standalone shiny application with nhyris
Standalone shiny application with nhyris
Transform your R Shiny applications into standalone desktop apps with nhyris. This minimal framework leverages Electron to simplify packaging and distribution, ensuring your Shiny apps are cross-platform and easy to deploy. Learn how to get started, customize your project, and build your first Electron application with nhyris.
Standalone shiny application with nhyris
Three experiments in LLM code assist with RStudio and Positron - Tidyverse
Three experiments in LLM code assist with RStudio and Positron - Tidyverse
We've been experimenting with LLM-powered tools to streamline R data science and package development.
Twice a year, the tidyverse team sets a week aside for “spring cleaning,” bringing all of our R packages up to snuff with the most current tooling and standardizing various bits of our development process. Some of these updates can happen by calling a single function, while others are much more involved. One of those more involved updates is updating erroring code, transitioning away from base R (e.g.  stop()), rlang (e.g.  rlang::abort()), glue, and homegrown combinations of them. cli’s new syntax is easier to work with as a developer and more visually pleasing as a user.
In some cases, transitioning is almost as simple as Finding + Replacing rlang::abort() to cli::cli_abort():
# before: rlang::abort("`save_pred` can only be used if the initial results saved predictions.") # after: cli::cli_abort("{.arg save_pred} can only be used if the initial results saved predictions.")
In others, there’s a mess of ad-hoc pluralization, paste0()s, glue interpolations, and other assorted nonsense to sort through:
Thus was born clipal1, a (now-superseded) R package that allows users to select erroring code, press a keyboard shortcut, wait a moment, and watch the updated code be inlined in to the selection.
clipal was a huge boost for us in the most recent spring cleaning. Depending on the code being updated, these erroring calls used to take 30 seconds to a few minutes. With clipal, though, the model could usually get the updated code 80% or 90% of the way there in a couple seconds. Up to this point, irritated by autocomplete and frustrated by the friction of copying and pasting code and typing out the same bits of context into chats again and again, I had been relatively skeptical that LLMs could make me more productive. After using clipal for a week, though, I began to understand how seamlessly LLMs could automate the cumbersome and uninteresting parts of my work.
clipal itself is now superseded by pal, a more general solution to the problem that clipal solved. I’ve also written two additional packages like pal that solve two other classes of pal-like problems using similar tools, ensure and gander. In this post, I’ll write a bit about how I’ve used a pair of tools in three experiments that have made me much more productive as an R developer
After using clipal during our spring cleaning, I approached another spring cleaning task for the week: updating testing code. testthat 3.0.0 was released in 2020, bringing with it numerous changes that were both huge quality of life improvements for package developers and also highly breaking changes. While some of the task of converting legacy unit testing code to testthat 3e is relatively straightforward, other components can be quite tedious. Could I do the same thing for updating to testthat 3e that I did for transitioning to cli? I sloppily threw together a sister package to clipal that would convert tests for errors to snapshot tests, disentangle nested expectations, and transition from deprecated functions like ⁠expect_known_*(). ⁠(If you’re interested, the current prompt for that functionality is here.) That sister package was also a huge boost for me, but the package reused as-is almost every piece of code from clipal other than the prompt. Thus, I realized that the proper solution would provide all of this scaffolding to attach a prompt to a keyboard shortcut, but allow for an arbitrary set of prompts to help automate these wonky, cumbersome tasks.
The next week, pal was born. The pal package ships with three prompts centered on package development: the cli pal and testthat pal mentioned previously, as well as the roxygen pal, which drafts minimal roxygen documentation based on a function definition. Here’s what pal’s interface looks like now:
While deciding on the initial set of prompts that pal would include, I really wanted to include some sort of “write unit tests for this function” pal. To really address this problem, though, requires violating two of pal’s core assumptions:
All of the context that you need is in the selection and the prompt. In the case of writing unit tests, it’s actually pretty important to have other pieces of context. If a package provides some object type potato, in order to write tests for some function that takes potato as input, it’s likely very important to know how potatoes are created and the kinds of properties they have. pal’s sister package for writing unit tests, ensure, can thus “see” the rest of the file that you’re working on, as well as context from neighboring files like other .R source files, the corresponding test file, and package vignettes, to learn about how to interface with the function arguments being tested.
The LLM’s response can prefix, replace, or suffix the active selection in the same file. In the case of writing unit tests for R, the place that tests actually ought to go is in a corresponding test file in tests/testthat/. Via the RStudio API, ensure can open up the corresponding test file and write to it rather than the source file where it was triggered from.3
Three experiments in LLM code assist with RStudio and Positron - Tidyverse
Documenting functions
Documenting functions
The basics of roxygen2 tags and how to use them for documenting functions.
Examples @examples provides executable R code showing how to use the function in practice. This is a very important part of the documentation because many people look at the examples before reading anything. Example code must work without errors as it is run automatically as part of R CMD check. For the purpose of illustration, it’s often useful to include code that causes an error. You can do this by wrapping the code in try() or using \dontrun{} to exclude from the executed example code. For finer control, you can use @examplesIf: #' @examplesIf interactive() #' browseURL("")
Instead of including examples directly in the documentation, you can put them in separate files and use @example path/relative/to/package/root to insert them into the documentation. All functions must have examples for initial CRAN submission.
Documenting functions
UNCHARTED DATA: Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
UNCHARTED DATA: Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
Linking an interactive plot and table together with the crosstalk package.
Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
The goal is to link the reactable table I created to a plotly chart and provide additional filter options that control both the table and the chart.
An important note: in order to use crosstalk, you must create a shared dataset and call that dataset within both plotly and reactable. Otherwise, your dataset will not communicate and filter with eachother. The code to do this is SharedData$new(dataset).
If you expand the code below, you’ll see that the code to build a table in reactable is quite extensive. I will not go into the details in this post, but do recommend a couple great tutorials that I used to create the interactive table such as this tutorial from Greg Lin, and this from Tom Mock which really helped me understand how to use CSS and Google fonts to enhance the visual appeal of the table (see the “Additional CSS Used for Table” section below for more info).
If you have ever built something in Shiny before, you’ll notice that the crosstalk filters are very similar. You can add a filter to any existing column in the dataset. As you can see in the code below, I used a mixture of filter_checkbox and filter_select depending on how many unique options were available in the column you’re filtering. My rule of thumb is if there are more than five options to choose from it’s probably better to put them into a list in filter_select like I did with the Division filtering as to not take up too much space on the page.
For the layout of the data visualization, I used bscols to place the crosstalk filters side-by-side with the interactive plotly chart. I then placed the reactable table underneath and added a legend to the table using tags from the htmltools package. The final result is shown below. Feel free to click around and the filters and you will notice that both the plot and the table will filter accordingly. Another option is to drag and click on the plot and you will see the table underneath mimic the teams shown.
UNCHARTED DATA: Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
Design Patterns in R
Design Patterns in R
Build robust and maintainable software with object-oriented design patterns in R. Design patterns abstract and present in neat, well-defined components and interfaces the experience of many software designers and architects over many years of solving similar problems. These are solutions that have withstood the test of time with respect to re-usability, flexibility, and maintainability. R6P provides abstract base classes with examples for a few known design patterns. The patterns were selected by their applicability to analytic projects in R. Using these patterns in R projects have proven effective in dealing with the complexity that data-driven applications possess.
Design Patterns in R
Fast JSON, NDJSON and GeoJSON Parser and Generator
Fast JSON, NDJSON and GeoJSON Parser and Generator
A fast JSON parser, generator and validator which converts JSON, NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) and GeoJSON (Geographic JSON) data to/from R objects. The standard R data types are supported (e.g. logical, numeric, integer) with configurable handling of NULL and NA values. Data frames, atomic vectors and lists are all supported as data containers translated to/from JSON. GeoJSON data is read in as simple features objects. This implementation wraps the yyjson C library which is available from .
Fast JSON, NDJSON and GeoJSON Parser and Generator
Working with complex, hierarchically nested JSON data in R can be a bit of a pain. In this post, I illustrate how you can convert JSON data into tidy tibbles with particular emphasis on what I’ve found to be a reasonably good, general approach for converting nested JSON into nested tibbles. I use three illustrative examples of increasing complexity to help highlight some pitfalls and build up the logic underlying the approach before applying it in the context of some real-world rock climbing competition data.
JSON files & tidy data | The Byrd Lab
JSON files & tidy data | The Byrd Lab
My lab investigates how blood pressure can be treated more effectively. Much of that work involves the painstaking development of new concepts and research methods to move forward the state of the art. For example, our work on urinary extracellular vesicles’ mRNA as an ex vivo assay of the ligand-activated transcription factor activity of mineralocorticoid receptors is challenging, fun, and rewarding. With a lot of work from Andrea Berrido and Pradeep Gunasekaran in my lab, we have been moving the ball forward on several key projects on that front.
JSON files & tidy data | The Byrd Lab
Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 – R-Craft
Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 – R-Craft
You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 You think that some of the components of {shiny} are not very functional or downright austere? Are you looking to implement some feature in your app but it is not available in the {shiny} toolbox? Take a look at JavaScript! JavaScript is a very popular programming language that is often used to add features to web pages. With HTML and This post is better presented on its original ThinkR website here: Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2
Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 – R-Craft
R Language Tutorial
R Language Tutorial
Welcome to WikiOD - Wiki Online Documentation WikiOD is a collaborative writing project to build the highest quality online documentation of all programming languages, education-related subjects and concepts.
R Language Tutorial