Why Every Entrepreneur Should Be Doing A Weekly Review
Ever get the feeling nagging at the back of your head that there’s something you’re supposed to do, but you can't remember what it is? Or you know you're supposed to ask something specific to the person you're talking to? Or you've got so many open loops in that you aren't sure what the logical next step is? I used to. I don't very much anymore. I've always been a bit of the absent minded professor type, prone to getting lost in my head or on a walk. That means that I've always had a problem losing or forgetting things that need to get taken care of.
Insights - Getting Things Done®
INSIGHTS Additional resources for the Getting Things Done® Workbook Please note: If you do not see the video player, you will need to change your preferences to allow statistics cookies. The 5 Steps of GTD® OPEN Step 1: Capture OPEN Step 2: Clarify OPEN Step 3: Organize OPEN Step 4: Reflect OPEN Step 5: Engage […]