dm cheat sheet

No Clocks
Chat with Large Language Models
Chat with large language models from a range of providers including Claude, OpenAI, Azure, Bedrock, and Google Gemini. Supports streaming,a asyncronous calls, tool calling, and structured data extraction.
UNCHARTED DATA: Interactive Tooltip Tables
How to include tables in your {ggiraph} tooltips.
UNCHARTED DATA: Introducing the {reactablefmtr} Package
An R package created to make the styling and customization of {reactable} tables easier.
How to enhance your R shiny application with httpOnly Cookies
httpOnly Cookies are crucial for security, protecting against cross-site scripting attacks in R Shiny apps. Read more about them here.
gexijin/RTutor: Chat with your data via AI.
Chat with your data via AI.
Shiny is a package that makes it easy to create interactive web apps using R and Python.
Shiny was designed with an emphasis on distinct input and output components in the UI. Inputs send values from the client to the server, and when the server has values for the client to display, they are received and rendered by outputs.
You want the server to trigger logic on the client that doesn’t naturally relate to any single output.
You want the server to update a specific (custom) output on the client, but not by totally invalidating the output and replacing the value, just making a targeted modification.
You have some client JavaScript that isn’t related to any particular input, yet wants to trigger some behavior in R. For example, binding keyboard shortcuts on the web page to R functions on the server, or alerting R when the size of the browser window has changed.
Shiny App-Packages
Getting your app into an R package
Foreword | Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
A book about deeply customizing Shiny app for production.
Mastering Shiny