Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

No Clocks
IANA-managed Reserved Domains
Create your own auto-completion for JSON and YAML files on VSCode with JSON Schema
In this article, I demonstrate how to create a JSON Schema, to provide auto-completion to Hadolint configuration files on VS Code editor.
Introduction - Templater
Generated by create next app
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell Automatic Variables
automatic variableGet-ChildItem -Path c:\tempabc
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
Semantic Versioning spec and website
Showcase your Scripts
A simple tool to showcase your scripts.
Modern CSS in Real Life - Chris Coyier
Hey! Chris Coyier here. This is a blog-itized version of a presentation I created. It started life as a Keynote file which I presented in person at RenderATL in June of 2023. I put a lot of work into it! I’m so grateful to everyone who came and saw it. But you can’t beat the […]
Understanding Data and Metadata - Role and Key Differences
Explore the intricacies of data and metadata, their key differences and the importance of metadata management tools such as dbForge Documenter.
PowerShellAI ChatGPT Conversation Mode
Using PowerShell with $PSStyle
PowerShell 7.2 introduced the automatic variable $PSStyle for a new feature called PSAnsiRendering. In this post, I show you how you can use ANSI rendering to control text decorations, such as color and font styling, in PowerShell.
Play with Docker
Mastering file download in shiny - Rtask
The R task Force - R experts for all your needs
Personal Knowledge Management Systems: How to Keep Track of All Your Interests
Do you like learning new things? Do you have notes everywhere on all your interests? a personal knowledge management system is what you need to organise it all.
15 Windows Command Prompt Commands to Know as Sysadmin
Windows command prompt can perform many unique tasks that usually can't be done by other Windows components. Best of all, it works even when other Windows
The 10 Best Python Cheat Sheets for Quick Reference and Learning
Python is one of the widely used programming languages, especially in data science. With the emergence of technology and data science, Python usage has
Python Decorators: Explained (With Examples and Use Cases)
Getting started with python decorators? In this tutorial, we will learn about Python Decorators with the help of examples.
How to Parse Command-Line Arguments in Python
- Want to run Python scripts with command-line arguments? Learn how to run a Python script with options and arguments at the command line.
16 Best CSS Frameworks/Libraries for Front-End Developers
I once heard a front-end developer joke, "The NASA has landed robots on Mars, and here we're still struggling to center-align our divs!" And it makes me
10 CSS Cheat Sheets for Developers and Designers
Web designing is a highly demanding skill in the present-day technology-driven world. And one of the fundamental concepts of web designing and development
How CSS Visibility Enhances Your Web Design with Hidden Gems
Want to hide some elements from your web pages and create smooth transitions using the CSS Visibility property? Learn how to implement CSS Visibility to enhance your web design
16 Useful Python One-Liners to Simplify Common Tasks
- Looking to write elegant and Pythonic code? Here's a list of useful Python one-liners to perform simple tasks.
Saving and Quitting Vim Editor: Explained in Simple Steps
Want to learn how to save and quit files in Vim? This is the perfect guide for you. Learn how to save files, save and exit Vim, and quit files without saving.
API Architecture Explained in 5 Mins or Less
Improve your knowledge and skills in API Architecture with this guide. Explore its components, best practices, and more.
5 Best IDEs for R Programming in 2023
Here are some of the best IDEs for R programming that can help in complex data analysis and provide an easy to navigate UI. Also listed are some lightweight online R compilers to help you work on the go.
Parkinson's law: why you waste time and how to avoid it
Have you ever heard of the word spuddle? It’s the verb from the 17th century that means to work ineffectively, to be extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing.
If you’ve been spuddling these days, you may be a victim of Parkinson’s law. Don’t worry if that’s the case, we have a solution
How to focus better at work: 20 effective ways to stay focused
Do you struggle to stay focused while working? We offer effective solutions, so read our blog post on the subject.
The SPACE of Developer Productivity - ACM Queue