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R shiny app dashboards in 2021: The Ultimate Guide for Busy People
In this guide you’ll find both original content and curated resources to: + Build R shiny apps from scratch + Select the optimal dashboard framework for your R shiny app dashboard + R packages to build interactive, professional quality data visualization + Improve the user experience and dashboard speed tricks + All the ways you can deploy and share R shiny app dashboards + Lessons from a dashboard veteran for better R shiny app dashboards
Can I use R on production? | Hacker Noon
#1 "R in Production" – R in Production
"R in Production " is a blog that talks about Security, Automation, Scalability in the R environment. Furthermore, Software Engineering teaches us proven methodologies to bring a prototype into production and to facilitate the work process in all its aspects. (Click on the title to read more ...)
Tableaux interactifs avec R pour Shiny et vos pages web - ThinkR - Certification & Formation langage R
Véritables outils de visualisation des données, les tables interactives permettent de trier, colorer, éditer, rechercher, paginer les données
R shiny app dashboards in 2021: The Ultimate Guide for Busy People – YakData brightRserver
In this guide you’ll find both original content and curated resources to: + Build R shiny apps from scratch + Select the optimal dashboard framework for your R shiny app dashboard + R packages to build interactive, professional quality data visualization + Improve the user experience and dashboard speed tricks + All the ways you can deploy and share R shiny app dashboards + Lessons from a dashboard veteran for better R shiny app dashboards
Database-Projects/ at master · Uppalapa/Database-Projects
SQL. Contribute to Uppalapa/Database-Projects development by creating an account on GitHub.
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 13: 2.1. Introduction
2.1. Introduction This chapter provides an overview of how to use SQL to perform simple operations. This tutorial is only intended …
Containerize Your Apps with Docker and Kubernetes | Microsoft Azure
Read this e-book to learn how to deploy, scale, orchestrate, and manage containerized applications using Kubernetes with Docker.
Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists
This course will teach you how to analyse and model spatial data using R.
nuket/google-sheets-geocoding-macro: Geocode from addresses to latitude / longitude, and vice versa using Google Sheets
sarthi2395/shinygCAPTCHAv3: Package to use Google reCAPTCHAv3 in RShiny web applications.
R Shiny map search input box - Stack Overflow
Dockerize a ShinyApp - Dr. Juan Camilo Orduz
Building a webapp for data collection & visualization using R Shiny – Nirzaree's Blog
This is a tutorial post about building a webapp with user form and leaflet map visualization using R Shiny. The webapp I built aims to collect crowdsourced data of how sustainable are the eateries …
Google Maps with Shiny · GitHub
React Native for Windows + macOS · Build native Windows & macOS apps with Javascript and React
Build native Windows & macOS apps with Javascript and React
microsoft/react-native-windows: A framework for building native Windows apps with React.
A framework for building native Windows apps with React. - microsoft/react-native-windows
Appsilon/data.validator: validate your data and create nice reports straight from R
validate your data and create nice reports straight from R - Appsilon/data.validator
Simple Features for R • sf
Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial vector data. Binds to GDAL for reading and writing data, to GEOS for geometrical operations, and to PROJ for projection conversions and datum transformations. Optionally uses the s2 package for spherical geometry operations on geographic coordinates.
Interactive Viewing of Spatial Data in R • mapview
Quickly and conveniently create interactive visualisations of spatial data with or without background maps. Attributes of displayed features are fully queryable via pop-up windows. Additional functionality includes methods to visualise true- and false-color raster images and bounding boxes.
Minimum Viable Product: 10 steps to build an MVP in details
We continue our series of articles about MVP development. Today we would like to tell you about 10 steps to build an MVP in details.
Some hints from Syndicode how to speed up MVP development
Proven methods and ways from Syndicode's experience are here to improve your development and show you how to speed up MVP development.
Web Architecture 101. The basic architecture concepts I wish… | by Jonathan Fulton | Storyblocks Product & Engineering
The basic architecture concepts I wish I knew when I was getting started as a web developer
Critical features for your website: design and development
Critical features for your website: design and development. When designing a new product we pay a lot of attention to the effectiveness of the web service.
Windows Terminal Customization: How to customize the new Windows Terminal with Visual Studio Code - DEV Community
A few days ago Microsoft released a very early version of the new Windows Terminal. The Windows Termi...
Welcome | Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
How To Reinstall Built-in App removed with Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage ?