PwC's Cloud Transformation solution helps you use cloud differently. Designed to enable innovation that creates new business models and amazing customer experiences.
API design guidance - Best practices for cloud applications | Microsoft Docs
Web applications can expose APIs so clients to interact with the application. Well-designed web APIs should support platform independence and service evolution.
You can put Shiny Server Pro in a Docker container, but licensing must be handled explicitly. For this configuration, we recommend using a floating license server on hardware or a static VM, on the...
I used for my own shiny app. It’s a great service. You can deploy your app for free, test it and show it to other people. But there’s also a downside: The memory an app can use is limited. So I was looking for another way to deploy my app. So I took a look at Docker.
Docking or containerization is a new method of distribute a software/tool. Beside providing only the source code for installing, we give the users the so-called container, which contains the whole environment to run the program, including the tool and its dependencies with the exact version and all the needed configurations. By delivering such a “container”, users are always able to “reuse” the tool and reproduce the results as we did.
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.