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R configurations for Docker. Contribute to rocker-org/rocker development by creating an account on GitHub.
ropenscilabs/r-docker-tutorial: A docker tutorial for reproducible research
A docker tutorial for reproducible research. Contribute to ropenscilabs/r-docker-tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny Server Pro with Docker – RStudio Support
You can put Shiny Server Pro in a Docker container, but licensing must be handled explicitly. For this configuration, we recommend using a floating license server on hardware or a static VM, on the...
Creating a Streamlit web app, building with Docker + GitHub Actions, and hosting on Heroku | Joshua Cook
A step-by-step tutorial on creating a web application with Streamlit, building a Docker image with GitHub Actions, and hosting on Heroku.
Hosting a Shiny App using Docker
I used for my own shiny app. It’s a great service. You can deploy your app for free, test it and show it to other people. But there’s also a downside: The memory an app can use is limited. So I was looking for another way to deploy my app. So I took a look at Docker.
Deploying R Shiny apps using ShinyProxy on Windows 10 | databentobox
This post provides a guide to use ShinyProxy, an open-source tool with enterprise features, to deploy R Shiny apps.
Securing and Monitoring ShinyProxy Deployment of R Shiny Apps | databentobox
This post provides a guide to secure ShinyProxy with Nginx, Certbot and AWS Cognito, and monitor usage statistics with InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana.
PhyloProfileDocker/shiny-server.conf at master · trvinh/PhyloProfileDocker
Contribute to trvinh/PhyloProfileDocker development by creating an account on GitHub.
Dependency resolution for R package development
Environments: Docker
Environment Management with Docker
rstudio/r-docker: Docker images for R
Docker images for R. Contribute to rstudio/r-docker development by creating an account on GitHub.
rstudio/r-builds: an opinionated environment for compiling R
an opinionated environment for compiling R. Contribute to rstudio/r-builds development by creating an account on GitHub.
presstofan/shinyproxy-docker-swarm-demo: A template for deploying R Shiny apps with ShinyProxy in Docker Swarm mode
A template for deploying R Shiny apps with ShinyProxy in Docker Swarm mode - presstofan/shinyproxy-docker-swarm-demo
ThinkR-open/docker4dev: Repository with DockerFiles for tutorials
Repository with DockerFiles for tutorials. Contribute to ThinkR-open/docker4dev development by creating an account on GitHub.
docker4dev/build_docker_container.R at main · ThinkR-open/docker4dev
Repository with DockerFiles for tutorials. Contribute to ThinkR-open/docker4dev development by creating an account on GitHub.
Include the Docker container in a network • devindocker
Deploy your RShiny App Locally with Docker
Package your RShiny app into a docker container for local deployment. No rshiny-server or special rshiny.conf configurations necessary!
TnV Blog
Docking or containerization is a new method of distribute a software/tool. Beside providing only the source code for installing, we give the users the so-called container, which contains the whole environment to run the program, including the tool and its dependencies with the exact version and all the needed configurations. By delivering such a “container”, users are always able to “reuse” the tool and reproduce the results as we did.
TnV Blog
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
Effectively Deploying and Scaling Shiny Apps with ShinyProxy, Traefik and Docker Swarm | databentobox
This post provides a guide to effectively and securely scale your ShinyProxy deployment of shiny apps in production with Docker Swarm and Traefik
Initial Setup
Deploying container images | Cloud Run Documentation | Google Cloud
slink42/rbase_shiny: rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp.
rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp. - slink42/rbase_shiny
Artificially-Intelligent/shiny: rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp.
rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp. - Artificially-Intelligent/shiny
Running your R script in Docker | STATWORX
This blogpost explains step by step how you can build your own Docker Image and include R scripts. With this you can have scripts running at every image's beginning.
How To Dockerize ShinyApps | STATWORX
Learn how to dockerize ShinyApps! Join our colleague Oliver on his journey toward deploying his work done in R with the help of neat Docker containers.
GH Repo