Found 2323 bookmarks
Column Names as Contracts | Emily Riederer
Column Names as Contracts | Emily Riederer
Using controlled dictionaries for low-touch documentation, validation, and usability of tabular data
Column Names as Contracts | Emily Riederer
Data science as an atomic habit | Malcolm Barrett
Data science as an atomic habit | Malcolm Barrett
Several years ago, I lived at the Zen Center of New York City, a Zen temple focused on supporting lay practitioners (folks who practice but also have jobs, families, and so on). Living at a Zen center is inherently intensive. You follow the temple schedule—morning and evening meditation, work and meals together, and regular meditation retreats—as well as managing your other responsibilities. Yet, there’s an ease to practicing meditation in such a place.
Data science as an atomic habit | Malcolm Barrett
Artificially-Intelligent/shiny: rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp.
Artificially-Intelligent/shiny: rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp.
rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp. - Artificially-Intelligent/shiny
Artificially-Intelligent/shiny: rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapp.
Markdown Showdown - All I Know About Markdown
Markdown Showdown - All I Know About Markdown
Here it is kids! All I know about Markdown. First! The standard preamble... Before that though! Some of the possible titles I came up with…
Markdown Showdown - All I Know About Markdown
Windows Terminal Config - Make it Your Own
Windows Terminal Config - Make it Your Own
I've been using the Windows Terminal now since the summer, it's great and I now prefer it over Hyper which was my preferred terminal…
Windows Terminal Config - Make it Your Own