5 Signs It's Time To Refactor Your Shiny Dashboard - Appsilon | End to End Data Science Solutions
No Clocks
Develop cloud-native software faster | Developer Tool for Kubernetes | DevSpace
Github Action deploying Angular App to Firebase Hosting
A step-by-step guide to create a Github Action to deploy your Angular App to Firebase Hosting.
Automation with GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions provide a way to automate several workflows/tasks. GitHub Workflows allow you to run a workflow on specific triggers. A…
Events that trigger workflows - GitHub Docs
You can configure your workflows to run when specific activity on GitHub happens, at a scheduled time, or when an event outside of GitHub occurs.
The R package tinytex - Helper Functions to Manage TinyTeX, and Compile LaTeX Documents - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
You can install the tinytex package from either CRAN or Github: # CRAN version install.packages('tinytex') # or the development version on Github remotes::install_github('yihui/tinytex') The package …
jbryer/DTedit: Editable DataTables for shiny apps
Editable DataTables for shiny apps. Contribute to jbryer/DTedit development by creating an account on GitHub.
tidyverse/dtplyr: Data table backend for dplyr
Data table backend for dplyr. Contribute to tidyverse/dtplyr development by creating an account on GitHub.
HTML Static Template
gyang274/ygdashboard: A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE
A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE - gyang274/ygdashboard
DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-code: Standalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" Book
Standalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" Book - DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-code
DivadNojnarg (David Granjon)
PhD, Senior Expert Data Science @Novartis RShiny advocate, RinteRface creator - DivadNojnarg
dreamRs/shinyapps: Some Shiny applications
Some Shiny applications. Contribute to dreamRs/shinyapps development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreamRs/jstools: Tools to work with JavaScript and CSS files
Tools to work with JavaScript and CSS files. Contribute to dreamRs/jstools development by creating an account on GitHub.
DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers: erum::Conf 2020 workshop session
erum::Conf 2020 workshop session. Contribute to DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny - Gallery
systats/shinyuser: User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI)
User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI) - systats/shinyuser
yanirmor (Yanir Mor)
Data Consultant & Developer. yanirmor has 4 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
yanirmor/shiny-user-management: Demonstration of user management and authentication system in R Shiny
Demonstration of user management and authentication system in R Shiny - yanirmor/shiny-user-management
dreamRs/tuicalendr: R htmlwidget for tui-calendar
:calendar: R htmlwidget for tui-calendar. Contribute to dreamRs/tuicalendr development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreamRs/capture: Take screenshots in Shiny apps
Take screenshots in Shiny apps. Contribute to dreamRs/capture development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny modules to import data into an application or addin - dreamRs/datamods
Chapter 22 Introduction to {charpente} | Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
Operation Suite GCP (Part1)- Monitoring Logging and Error Reporting
Operation Suite in GCP (Part1) — Monitoring — Logging — Error Reporting
Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office/Adobe in Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) and GNOME/KDE as if they were a part of the native OS, including Nautilus integration. - Fmstrat/winapps
Freelance Insurance: What Policies Do Freelancers Need?
Freelancers are essentially small business owners. Learn about freelance insurance and the policies that you need as an independent contractor.
GitHub: Advantages and tips for a profile 10 | Between Technology
Git is a version control system which is distributed for free and is open source, fast and efficient, and Github is a web platform for hosting our code using Git’s system. We’re going to present 5 tips that will be of use to you if you want to have an attractive profile in Github.
This is a list of Awesome Tech Blogs. Add yourself.
A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups.
MarkoDenic/awesome-tech-blogs: A list of Tech Blogs.
A list of Tech Blogs. Contribute to MarkoDenic/awesome-tech-blogs development by creating an account on GitHub.