No Clocks

No Clocks

CRAN - Package rbundler
CRAN - Package rbundler
Rbundler manages a project-specific library for dependency package installation. By specifying dependencies in a DESCRIPTION file in a project's root directory, one may install and use dependencies in a repeatable fashion without requiring manual maintenance. rbundler creates a project-specific R library in 'PROJECT_ROOT/.Rbundle' (by default) and a project-specific 'R_LIBS_USER' value, set in 'PROJECT_ROOT/.Renviron'. It supports dependency management for R standard "Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", and "LinkingTo" package dependencies. rbundler also attempts to validate and install versio...
CRAN - Package rbundler
Stash and Load Objects • mustashe
Stash and Load Objects • mustashe
A simple system for saving and loading objects in R. Long running computations can be stashed after the first run and then reloaded the next time. Dependencies can be added to ensure that a computation is re-run if any of its dependencies or inputs have changed.
Stash and Load Objects • mustashe
How to interactively examine any R code - 4 ways to not just read the code, but delve into it step-by-step - Jozef's Rblog
How to interactively examine any R code - 4 ways to not just read the code, but delve into it step-by-step - Jozef's Rblog
In this post, we provide tips on how to interactively debug R code step-by-step and investigate the values of objects in the middle of function execution. We will look at doing this for both exported and non-exported functions from different packages.
How to interactively examine any R code - 4 ways to not just read the code, but delve into it step-by-step - Jozef's Rblog
Using parallelization, multiple git repositories and setting permissions when automating R applications with Jenkins - Jozef's Rblog
Using parallelization, multiple git repositories and setting permissions when automating R applications with Jenkins - Jozef's Rblog
In this post, we look at various tips that can be useful when automating R application testing and continuous integration, with regards to orchestrating parallelization, combining sources from multiple git repositories and ensuring proper access right to the Jenkins agent.
Using parallelization, multiple git repositories and setting permissions when automating R applications with Jenkins - Jozef's Rblog
Setting up R with Visual Studio Code quickly and easily with the languageserversetup package - Jozef's Rblog
Setting up R with Visual Studio Code quickly and easily with the languageserversetup package - Jozef's Rblog
In this post, we will look at the `languageserversetup` package that aims to make the setup of the R Language Server robust and easy to use by installing it into a separate, independent library and adjusting R startup in a way that initializes the language server when relevant
Setting up R with Visual Studio Code quickly and easily with the languageserversetup package - Jozef's Rblog
'mustashe' | Joshua Cook
'mustashe' | Joshua Cook
A simple system for saving and loading objects in R. Long running computations can be stashed after the first run and then reloaded the next time. Dependencies can be added to ensure that a computation is re-run if any of its dependencies or inputs have changed.
'mustashe' | Joshua Cook
Integrating React.js and Shiny
Integrating React.js and Shiny
React.js is a thriving JavaScript library that eases encapsulating and sharing sophisticated component libraries. The React.js ecosystem is filled with components for doing everything from...
Integrating React.js and Shiny