I’ve been asked more and more for hints and best practices when working with R. It can be a daunting task, depending on how deep or specialised you want to be. So I tried to keep it as balanced as I could and mentioned point that definitely helped me in...
Online syntax highlighting for more than 100 languages, including C#, Java, PHP, Basic, Perl, Python, Pascal, SQL, JavaScript and others including rare and obscure ones!.
In 2019, RStudio spent over 50% of its engineering resources on open-source software, and led contributions to over 250 open-source projects, targeting a broad range of areas.
A guide to authoring books with R Markdown, including how to generate figures and tables, and insert cross-references, citations, HTML widgets, and Shiny apps in R Markdown. The book can be exported to HTML, PDF, and e-books (e.g. EPUB). The book style is customizable. You can easily write and preview the book in RStudio IDE or other editors, and host the book wherever you want (e.g. bookdown.org).
INSIGHTS Additional resources for the Getting Things Done® Workbook Please note: If you do not see the video player, you will need to change your preferences to allow statistics cookies. The 5 Steps of GTD® OPEN Step 1: Capture OPEN Step 2: Clarify OPEN Step 3: Organize OPEN Step 4: Reflect OPEN Step 5: Engage […]