Documenting functions
Documenting functions
The basics of roxygen2 tags and how to use them for documenting functions.
Examples @examples provides executable R code showing how to use the function in practice. This is a very important part of the documentation because many people look at the examples before reading anything. Example code must work without errors as it is run automatically as part of R CMD check. For the purpose of illustration, it’s often useful to include code that causes an error. You can do this by wrapping the code in try() or using \dontrun{} to exclude from the executed example code. For finer control, you can use @examplesIf: #' @examplesIf interactive() #' browseURL("https://roxygen2.r-lib.org")
Instead of including examples directly in the documentation, you can put them in separate files and use @example path/relative/to/package/root to insert them into the documentation. All functions must have examples for initial CRAN submission.
Documenting functions