Simple mechanisms for defining and interpreting package options. Provides
helpers for interpreting environment variables, global options, defining
default values and more.
Prototype implementation of an extension to S3 that provides explicit class definitions and a form of multiple dispatch. Represents the output of the Object-oriented Programming Working Group, sponsored by the R Consortium.
Ever heard the phrase “Read the source, Luke”? It’s a play on “Use the force, Luke” from Star Wars, with no definite source 😉 that we could find^[We erroneously first linked to a rather recent blog post but Robert Link corrected us in a comment that we reproduce here in case the post gets separated from its comments: ““Use the Source, Luke” goes way back before 2012, and probably even before blogs were a thing.
haciduru/kal: This is a script that you can use to encrypt data using Rscript command line tool. It would be impossibly difficult to decrypt the data if you had not seen the code in this file.
This is a script that you can use to encrypt data using Rscript command line tool. It would be impossibly difficult to decrypt the data if you had not seen the code in this file. - GitHub - hacidur...
msberends/hashing: Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer
Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer - GitHub - msberends/hashing: Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer
phildias/cryptR: R code that allows you to encrypt and decrypt large sensitive files
R code that allows you to encrypt and decrypt large sensitive files - GitHub - phildias/cryptR: R code that allows you to encrypt and decrypt large sensitive files
Welcome to WikiOD - Wiki Online Documentation WikiOD is a collaborative writing project to build the highest quality online documentation of all programming languages, education-related subjects and concepts.
When developing a package it is essential to track the changes you make to your code. This is especially vital if they are breaking changes which have implications for any code written that depends on your package, i.e. a major version bump. Although you can always look back at your version control history in git, it is also convenient to have documentation which summarises the changes. This is where the NEWS file comes in.
Automatic Codebooks from Metadata Encoded in Dataset Attributes
Easily automate the following tasks to describe data frames: Summarise the distributions, and labelled missings of variables graphically and using descriptive statistics. For surveys, compute and summarise reliabilities (internal consistencies, retest, multilevel) for psychological scales. Combine this information with metadata (such as item labels and labelled values) that is derived from R attributes. To do so, the package relies on rmarkdown partials, so you can generate HTML, PDF, and Word documents. Codebooks are also available as tables (CSV, Excel, etc.) and in JSON-LD, so that search engines can find your data and index the metadata. The metadata are also available at your fingertips via RStudio Addins.
Install R in Ubuntu: A Complete Guide to Setting up R Development Environment - LinuxForDevices
In this guide, we'll learn to install R in Ubuntu. R is an open-source programming language used extensively for statistical and scientific computing. Due to