getsysreqs/get-sysreqs.R at main · mdneuzerling/getsysreqs
getsysreqs/get-sysreqs.R at main · mdneuzerling/getsysreqs
Determine system requirements from R packages using the RStudio Package Manager. This is a weekend project, not a real package, so please think twice before using it for anything serious. - getsys...
getsysreqs/get-sysreqs.R at main · mdneuzerling/getsysreqs
Determining system dependencies for R projects
Determining system dependencies for R projects
Locking down R package dependencies and versions is a solved problem, thanks to the easy-to-use renv package. System dependencies — those Linux packages that need to be installed to make certain R packages work — are a bit harder to manage. Option 1: Hard-coding The easiest option is to hard-code the system dependencies. I did this recently when I was creating a Dockerfile for a very simple Plumber API: RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \ make \ libsodium-dev \ libicu-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libssl-dev My Dockerfile used only three R packages and so its system dependencies were not complicated.
Determining system dependencies for R projects
R on AWS Lambda with Containers
R on AWS Lambda with Containers
AWS has announced support for container images for their serverless computing platform Lambda. AWS doesn’t provide an R runtime for Lambda, and this was the excuse I needed to finally try to make one. An R runtime means that I can take advantage of AWS Lambda to put my R functions in the cloud. I don’t have to worry about provisioning servers or spinning up containers — the function itself is the star.
R on AWS Lambda with Containers
Awesome R Shiny
Awesome R Shiny
A collection of awesome rShiny packages, tools, addons and examples
Awesome R Shiny
Docker Setup for R package Development
Docker Setup for R package Development
Introduction My Use Case Workflow Building the Docker image Uploading the docker image to Docker Hub Setting up Travis to use the Docker image References Introduction The below summarize the workflow I’ve converged on, after reading through various tutorials on Docker, examples, etc. If you’re here, I presume you have some interest in R package development and/or using Docker, which is a tool for containerizing an environment for running software.
Docker Setup for R package Development
Using Microsoft365R with Shiny
Using Microsoft365R with Shiny
by Hong Ooi This article is a lightly-edited version of the "Microsoft365R and Shiny" vignette in the latest Microsoft365R release. We describe how to incorporate Microsoft365R and interactive authentication with Azure Active Directory (AAD) into a Shiny web app. There are a few steps involved: Register your app with AAD Use the app ID to authenticate and get an OAuth token Pass the token to the Microsoft365R functions App registration The default Microsoft365R app registration only works when the package is used on a local machine; it does not support running in a remote server. Because of this, when you...
Using Microsoft365R with Shiny
You mastered R, Shiny, Python, and Dash. Your app is production-ready. Now learn about hosting options and pick one that best suits your needs!
Blogdown Hugo themes to share scripts · StatnMap
Blogdown Hugo themes to share scripts · StatnMap
I modified two Hugo themes to be able to share R code using blogdown. hugo-future-imperfect and hugo-statnmap-theme are multilingual themes allowing for code folding, syntax highlighting, list of related articles, citation card, SEO graph or contact form. All options listed below are detailed in the Readme page of themes on Github. There are also listed with their configuration parameters in the config file of the “exampleSite” directory in the repository.
Blogdown Hugo themes to share scripts · StatnMap
Enable code folding in bookdown and blogdown · StatnMap
Enable code folding in bookdown and blogdown · StatnMap
Code folding is an interesting feature in Rmarkdown documents. Find out how to realise it in bookdown documents and blogdown websites. Code folding in bookdown and blogdown Option code_folding: true, like in classical rmarkdown documents, is not working in bookdown or blogdown but it is possible to enable it with some tricks. All files presented here, the javascript and Rmd files necessary for bookdown and the html files necessary for blogdown, to enable code folding are available on my github blog tips repository.
Enable code folding in bookdown and blogdown · StatnMap