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REST API in R with plumber
REST API in R with plumber
API and R Nowadays, it’s pretty much expected that software comes with an HTTP API interface. Every programming language out there offers a way to expose APIs or make GET/POST/PUT requests, including R. In this post, I’ll show you how to create an API using the plumber package. Plus, I’ll give you tips on how to make it more production ready - I’ll tackle scalability, statelessness, caching, and load balancing. You’ll even see how to consume your API with other tools like python, curl, and the R own httr package.
Nowadays, it’s pretty much expected that software comes with an HTTP API interface. Every programming language out there offers a way to expose APIs or make GET/POST/PUT requests, including R. In this post, I’ll show you how to create an API using the plumber package. Plus, I’ll give you tips on how to make it more production ready - I’ll tackle scalability, statelessness, caching, and load balancing. You’ll even see how to consume your API with other tools like python, curl, and the R own httr package
# When an API is started it might take some time to initialize # this function stops the main execution and wait until # plumber API is ready to take queries. wait_for_api <- function(log_path, timeout = 60, check_every = 1) { times <- timeout / check_every for(i in seq_len(times)) { Sys.sleep(check_every) if(any(grepl(readLines(log_path), pattern = "Running plumber API"))) { return(invisible()) } } stop("Waiting timed!") }
Oh, in some examples I am using redis. So, before you dive in, make sure to fire up a simple redis server. At the end of the script, I’ll be turning redis off, so you don’t want to be using it for anything else at the same time. I just want to remind you that this code isn’t meant to be run on a production server.
redis is launched in a background, , so you might want to wait a little bit to make sure it’s fully up and running before moving on.
wait_for_redis <- function(timeout = 60, check_every = 1) { times <- timeout / check_every for(i in seq_len(times)) { Sys.sleep(check_every) status <- suppressWarnings(system2("redis-cli", "PING", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE) == "PONG") if(status) { return(invisible()) } } stop("Redis waiting timed!") }
First off, let’s talk about logging. I try to log as much as possible, especially in critical areas like database accesses, and interactions with other systems. This way, if there’s an issue in the future (and trust me, there will be), I should be able to diagnose the problem just by looking at the logs alone. Logging is like “print debugging” (putting print(“I am here”), print(“I am here 2”) everywhere), but done ahead of time. I always try to think about what information might be needed to make a correct diagnosis, so logging variable values is a must. The logger and glue packages are your best friends in that area.
Next, it might also be useful to add a unique request identifier ((I am doing that in setuuid filter)) to be able to track it across the whole pipeline (since a single request might be passed across many functions). You might also want to add some other identifiers, such as MACHINE_ID - your API might be deployed on many machines, so it could be helpful for diagnosing if the problem is associated with a specific instance or if it’s a global issue.
In general you shouldn’t worry too much about the size of the logs. Even if you generate ~10KB per request, it will take 100000 requests to generate 1GB. And for the plumber API, 100000 requests generated in a short time is A LOT. In such scenario you should look into other languages. And if you have that many requests, you probably have a budget for storing those logs:)
It might also be a good idea to setup some automatic system to monitor those logs (e.g. Amazon CloudWatch if you are on AWS). In my example I would definitely monitor Error when reading key from cache string. That would give me an indication of any ongoing problems with API cache.
Speaking of cache, you might use it to save a lot of resources. Caching is a very broad topic with many pitfalls (what to cache, stale cache, etc) so I won’t spend too much time on it, but you might want to read at least a little bit about it. In my example, I am using redis key-value store, which allows me to save the result for a given request, and if there is another requests that asks for the same data, I can read it from redis much faster.
Note that you could use memoise package to achieve similar thing using R only. However, redis might be useful when you are using multiple workers. Then, one cached request becomes available for all other R processes. But if you need to deploy just one process, memoise is fine, and it does not introduce another dependency - which is always a plus.
info <- function(req, ...) { log_info, c( list("MachineId: {MACHINE_ID}, ReqId: {req$request_id}"), list(...), .sep = ", " ), envir = parent.frame(1) ) }
#* Log some information about the incoming request #* - this is a must read! #* @filter setuuid function(req) { req$request_id <- UUIDgenerate(n = 1) plumber::forward() }
#* Log some information about the incoming request #* @filter logger function(req) { if(!grepl(req$PATH_INFO, pattern = "PATH_INFO")) { info( req, "REQUEST_METHOD: {req$REQUEST_METHOD}", "PATH_INFO: {req$PATH_INFO}", "HTTP_USER_AGENT: {req$HTTP_USER_AGENT}", "REMOTE_ADDR: {req$REMOTE_ADDR}" ) } plumber::forward() }
To run the API in background, one additional file is needed. Here I am creating it using a simple bash script.
library(plumber) library(optparse) library(uuid) library(logger) MACHINE_ID <- "MAIN_1" PORT_NUMBER <- 8761 log_level(logger::TRACE) pr("tmp/api_v1.R") %>% pr_run(port = PORT_NUMBER)
REST API in R with plumber
SPA Mode | Remix
SPA Mode | Remix
From the beginning, Remix's opinion has always been that you own your server architecture. This is why Remix is built on top of the Web Fetch API and can run on any modern runtime via built-in or community-provided adapters. While we believe that having a server provides the best UX/Performance/SEO/etc. for most apps, it is also undeniable that there exist plenty of valid use cases for a Single Page Application in the real world:
SPA Mode is basically what you'd get if you had your own React Router + Vite setup using createBrowserRouter/RouterProvider, but along with some extra Remix goodies: File-based routing (or config-based via routes()) Automatic route-based code-splitting via route.lazy <Link prefetch> support to eagerly prefetch route modules <head> management via Remix <Meta>/<Links> APIs SPA Mode tells Remix that you do not plan on running a Remix server at runtime and that you wish to generate a static index.html file at build time and you will only use Client Data APIs for data loading and mutations. The index.html is generated from the HydrateFallback component in your root.tsx route. The initial "render" to generate the index.html will not include any routes deeper than root. This ensures that the index.html file can be served/hydrated for paths beyond / (i.e., /about) if you configure your CDN/server to do so.
SPA Mode | Remix
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