Today is Constitution Day in America. The federal holiday (technically Constitution Day and Citizenship Day) commemorates the signing of the US Constitution
Tennessee is increasing the cost of tickets for all sports by 10%, with the "talent fee" being used to help pay athletes as part of the revenue-sharing plan.
Zimbabwe Considering First Elephant Cull in Almost Four Decades
Zimbabwe is considering culling elephants for the first time since 1988 and using the meat to feed people who have been affected by a crippling drought, a cabinet minister said.
Unemployment falls, suggests orderly US labor-market slowdown
A surge in immigration means the economy needs to create between 145,000 and 200,000 jobs per month to keep up with growth in the working-age population.
The American dream of owning a home is slipping away for many, an issue that entrepreneur John Hope Bryant writes can be addressed with 40-year mortgages.
How much control do Americans think the president really has? | YouGov
Americans generally perceive the president to have substantial control over military operations, foreign policy, and judicial appointments, and much less control over indicators such as high-school graduation rates, drug addiction rates, and private-sector wages.
In this official Trump campaign ad, Kamala Harris is shown debating herself on issues involving the economy and 'Bidenomics.'
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