

US inflation surges again in June, raising risks for economy
US inflation surges again in June, raising risks for economy
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. inflation surged to a new four-decade high in June because of rising prices for gas, food and rent, squeezing household budgets and pressuring the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates aggressively -- trends that raise the risk of a recession .
US inflation surges again in June, raising risks for economy
Are corporate profits driving inflation?
Are corporate profits driving inflation?
There are two commonly-accepted aspects of economics that determine prices: supply and demand. But some say a third factor is companies' pursuit of increased...
Are corporate profits driving inflation?
Sri Lanka's crisis cripples once burgeoning middle class
Sri Lanka's crisis cripples once burgeoning middle class
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Miraj Madushanka never thought he'd need government rations to ensure his family could eat two meals a day, but Sri Lanka’s economic crisis, the worst in its history, has recast his life and those of many others in its burgeoning middle class.
Sri Lanka's crisis cripples once burgeoning middle class
Dr. Carly Urban Shares Insights from Recent Meta-Analysis of Financial Education Experiments - Blog
Dr. Carly Urban Shares Insights from Recent Meta-Analysis of Financial Education Experiments - Blog
You may be aware of a recent meta-analysis I did with some colleagues—Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, and Lukas Menkhoff. We look at all experiments that randomize who did—and did not—receive financial education across every single experiment ever written! On average: financial education improves financial behaviors in a cost-effective way. Figure 3 from the research brief linked above shows that financial education improves behaviors across many domains!  While those findings are exciting for the financial education field, they say very little about what works and for whom.
Dr. Carly Urban Shares Insights from Recent Meta-Analysis of Financial Education Experiments - Blog
US wages are rising rapidly, but not enough to keep up with inflation
US wages are rising rapidly, but not enough to keep up with inflation
Between December 2020 and 2021, wages and salaries for civilian workers rose by 4.5 percent, the fastest annual increase since 1983. This fast growth has driven salaries 1.2 percent above their pre-pandemic trend. But prices have also risen rapidly.
US wages are rising rapidly, but not enough to keep up with inflation