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The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010 | Royal Society Open Science
The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010 | Royal Society Open Science
In modern societies, cultural change seems ceaseless. The flux of fashion is especially obvious for popular music. While much has been written about the origin and evolution of pop, most claims about its history are anecdotal rather than scientific in ...
The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010 | Royal Society Open Science
5 Ways the Current Financial Climate Is Cooling Consumers’ Spending & Saving | Personal Capital
5 Ways the Current Financial Climate Is Cooling Consumers’ Spending & Saving | Personal Capital
Key Findings A vast majority of U.S. consumers* are concerned about rising inflation (85%) and a recession (74%), and over half (56%) say their standard of living is declining. There is a significant uptick in the percentage who feel “very unhealthy” financially, especially among women (26%) and those who have changed jobs in the last […]
5 Ways the Current Financial Climate Is Cooling Consumers’ Spending & Saving | Personal Capital
The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart
The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart
Despite ripple effects from conflict and inflation, global growth continues. According to the IMF, the global GDP will hit $104 trillion by end of year.
The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart