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Transcription de conférence « Et si on laissait les utilisateurs et les utilisatrices personnaliser l'interface ? » — première partie - Access42
Transcription de conférence « Et si on laissait les utilisateurs et les utilisatrices personnaliser l'interface ? » — première partie - Access42
Début 2020, nous avons créé la conférence « Et si on laissait les utilisateurs et les utilisatrices personnaliser l'interface ? », qui se situe à mi-chemin entre design UX et développement web. Nous (...)
Transcription de conférence « Et si on laissait les utilisateurs et les utilisatrices personnaliser l'interface ? » — première partie - Access42
Gamifying Web Accessibility - Pope Tech Blog
Gamifying Web Accessibility - Pope Tech Blog
A look at a progressive methodology to gamify and improve your web accessibility. When I was a kid, many of the action-based video games had lower-level goons that I had to first beat until I finally progressed far enough to reach the boss-villain.
Gamifying Web Accessibility - Pope Tech Blog
Accessibility fundamentals - Learn
Accessibility fundamentals - Learn
At Microsoft, we understand the power of technology, and that’s why we continue to innovate, create, and design in a way that gives everyone the ability to achieve more. Trainings like this learning path, which covers accessibility fundamentals, are an important and necessary part of Microsoft’s accessibility strategy to support customers of all abilities. Don’t forget to share your awards on social media after completing each module!
Accessibility fundamentals - Learn
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
This document provides readers with an understanding of how to use WAI-ARIA 1.1 [WAI-ARIA] to create accessible rich internet applications. It describes considerations that might not be evident to most authors from the WAI-ARIA specification alone and recommends approaches to make widgets, navigation, and behaviors accessible using WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties. This document is directed primarily to Web application developers, but the guidance is also useful for user agent and assistive technology developers.
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
Alt-Text as Poetry
Alt-Text as Poetry
Alt-text is an essential part of web accessibility. It is often overlooked altogether or understood through the lens of compliance, as an unwelcome burden to be met with minimum effort. How can we instead approach alt-text thoughtfully and creatively?
Alt-Text as Poetry
Accessibilité et couleurs : outils et ressources pour concevoir des produits accessible - par Stéphanie Walter, UX designer et experte mobile
Accessibilité et couleurs : outils et ressources pour concevoir des produits accessible - par Stéphanie Walter, UX designer et experte mobile
J'ai décidé de partager avec vous aujourd'hui toutes les ressources, conseils et outils que j'utilise régulièrement pour construire et vérifier l'accessibilité des couleurs des produits et services que je design.
Accessibilité et couleurs : outils et ressources pour concevoir des produits accessible - par Stéphanie Walter, UX designer et experte mobile
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
An accessible PDF is a PDF document that can be read and accessed by people with disabilities, primarily for the vision-impaired that may use assistive technology to read the file through text-to-speech or a Braille printout. A PDF document is considered accessible only if it meets a set of accessibility guidelines.
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
Introduction to Web Accessibility
Introduction to Web Accessibility
Get a strong foundation in digital accessibility to make your websites and apps work well for people with disabilities, meet international standards, and provide a better user experience for everyone.
Introduction to Web Accessibility
Videos of people with disabilities using tech - Axess Lab
Videos of people with disabilities using tech - Axess Lab
There is no better way to understand the importance of accessibility and inclusive design than learning from actual users with disabilities. Here’s a collection of our favorite Youtube videos where people showcase how they use assistive technologies like screen readers, eye tracking, zoom and switches. We’ll start off with former BMX star Stephen Murray showing …
Videos of people with disabilities using tech - Axess Lab