A get-right-down-to-it online course for Web designers and developers who want to start creating more accessible Web user interfaces and digital products today
Flutter et Accessibilité, quelles solutions techniques pour répondre au handicap ?Adrien Body Tech Lead Fullstack @Oui.sncfNicolas Chardon Accessibility Expe...
Your weekly update on the world of building accessible iOS and Android applications, including blogs, tools, events, news, job opportunities, etc. #a11y #iOS #Android
Design systems should aim to unite development teams in a way that facilitates healthy cross discipline conversation. Code that as easy to understand is more likely to lead to accessible results.
WCAG 2.2 : enfin la publication tant attendue ! – Access42
La recommandation WCAG 2.2 vient d’être publiée et devient donc la nouvelle recommandation internationale officielle pour les règles d’accessibilité numérique. Faites connaissance avec les 9 nouveaux critères ajoutés aux WCAG 2.2, et découvrez le long parcours qu’ils ont suivi avant de voir le jour.
Tester l’accessibilité avec la reconnaissance vocale – Access42
Les logiciels de reconnaissance vocale permettent de naviguer et d’interagir avec du contenu web à l’aide de commandes vocales. Ce type de technologie d’assistance est utilisé principalement par les personnes ayant des handicaps moteurs. Par exemple, certaines personnes sont tétraplégiques (paralysie des quatre membres), d’autres vivent avec des mains ou…
Accessibility is a holistic practice that touches every aspect of creating a digital experience. This means it is also a backend web development consideration…
For Marcy, accessibility is personal and essential. So she’s on a mission to inspire others to follow in her footsteps to prioritize and normalize it.
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Accessibility Not-Checklist | Brewed by team Intopia
The Accessibility Not-Checklist acts as a guide to make sure you haven’t missed anything. If you’re new to accessibility, the resource provides a foundation – it’s an overview of what you’ll need to consider, but it won’t teach you WCAG from front to back.
Are CAPTCHAs accessible? - ESDC / IT Accessibility office
Why are the usual strategies used online not accessible and not an option for us? The following CAPTCHA’s are
typically used to prevent BOT attacks but are not accessible or fully compliant, and/or have other
identified challenges.
Adding A Dyslexia-Friendly Mode To A Website — Smashing Magazine
With a little CSS, we can adapt our web designs to be more accommodating for people with dyslexia. In this article, we’ll explore those techniques by adding a dyslexia-friendly mode to an existing design.
Semantic HTML and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) help create interfaces that work for everyone in the most performant, robust, and simple
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) is a set of attributes that define ways to make web content and web applications (especially those developed with JavaScript) more accessible to people with disabilities. It supplements HTML so that interactions and widgets commonly used in applications can be passed to Assistive Technologies