Coder Survival Guide
Making a positive change: PDF to HTML
As communicators, we must take care to make our content as easy to understand and accessible as possible.
Pingdom Tools
Full Page Test Analysis
Environmental Footprint Methods
In today's environmentally conscious production and consumption landscapes, availability of accurate and trustworthy information regarding the environmental impacts of products and organizations plays a pivotal role in decision-making of businesses and consumers.
When Network is Faster than Cache
We assume that browser caches are near-instantaneous, but data shows that retrieving an object from cache can take hundreds of milliseconds!
2.-0 LCA consultants
2.-0 LCA consultants provide better decision-making for sustainable development with life cycle assessment
Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Overview | Rise 360
Eco-design by the Castor & Pollux agency
We help you understand the main principles of eco-design and identify your levers for action.
FTTH network simulator
Development and evaluation of a reference measurement model for assessing the resource and energy efficiency of software products and components—Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM)
In the past decade, research on measuring and assessing the environmental impact of software has gained significant momentum in science and industry. …
Optimize images with Thumbor | Articles | web.dev
Instructions on how to optimize images with Thumbor. Thumbor is an open-source image CDN and can be used for free to resize, compress, and transform images.
Use image CDNs to optimize images | Articles | web.dev
Consider using an image CDN to optimize your site's images and reduce its data cost for your users.
CrUX Dashboard | Chrome UX Report | Chrome for Developers
Using the CrUX Dashboard for visualizing BigQuery CrUX data
CDN comparison | The best CDN review
Generate an Accessibility Statement
Accessibility resources free online from the international standards organization: W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
App accessibility handbook | Appt
Our handbook is designed to make it straightforward to learn about app accessibility.
Getting Started
GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence...
The infuriating inefficiency of accessibility audits · Eric Eggert
Accessibility audits are the bread and butter of every accessibility consultancy. It’s an easy to package product that clients have learned to ask for and buy. They have expectations on the deliverables and the form of an audit. Audits are usually also thorough, following established international guidelines.
Microsoft Word - PCR Datacenter and Cloud Services_ENG.docx - PCR Datacenter and Cloud Services_ENG.pdf
Green IT : AWS en fait un nouvel argument pour attirer les clients | LeMagIT
Selon les études, les infrastructures cloud sont plus efficientes que leurs équivalents privés. AWS compte bien profiter de cet argument pour convaincre les clients. Or migrer vers les services cloud ne suffira pas à profiter des gains promis.
CyberDico, Qu'est-ce que c'est ? | ANSSI
Le CyberDico de l’ANSSI liste, par ordre alphabétique, des mots, expressions et sigles du domaine de la cybersécurité. Il présente leur traduction ainsi que leur définition en français et en anglais.
The greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of ICT: A critical review of telecommunication companies’ GHG enablement assessments
For about a decade, telecommunication network operators (TNOs) have explored the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions their customers can achieve by using TNO services (e.g., by substituting phy...
Digital Trust Index
94% of European websites fail accessibility requirements. Discover the results of the Digital Trust Index.
Disability in the EU: facts and figures
101 million Europeans have some form of disability. Find out more facts and figures on living with disabilities in the EU.
Developing a RACI matrix for accessibility - AFixt
In the world of digital projects, ensuring clear roles and responsibilities is crucial for success. One effective tool for achieving this is the RACI matrix, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. This framework helps teams define who is involved in specific tasks and what their level of involvement is. Let’s explore how a […]
EcoLogits Calculator - a Hugging Face Space by genai-impact
Discover amazing ML apps made by the community
Web Performance Guide | SpeedCurve
Everything you need to know to master website monitoring, analytics, and diagnostics from world class experts.
Web Platform Design Principles
Third-party cookies have got to go
The W3C Technical Architecture Group explains how third-party cookies reduce users’ privacy and why they must be removed from the web. This blog post introduces the latest TAG finding, Third-party cookies must be removed.
YouTube Embeds are Bananas Heavy and it’s Fixable – Frontend Masters Boost
Which one makes more sense to use, big and slow or small and fast? Especially with the same appearance and functionality, the youtube-lite component is a no-brainer.