Référentiel général d'écoconception de services numériques
Le Référentiel Général d’Écoconception de Services Numériques (RGESN) est un référentiel produit par la direction interministérielle du numérique, le ministère de la transition écologique, l’ADEME et l’institut du numérique responsable. Il a pour objectif de guider les concepteur de services numé...
Purpose of this website This website aims to centralize all the information concerning the MAS Seeds Global. It showcases the company, its activities and its projects, and it features a recruitment job board. The target users of the service are professionals wanting to learn more about the MAS Seeds, journalists and media wanting to get […]
Why does getting a job in tech suck right now? (Is it AI?!?)
A lot of new CS grads have been noting that is really hard to get a job. I’ve personally been contacted by a couple people, including outside of Twitter, about the difficulty of finding a job…
Light bulbs have energy ratings — so why can’t AI chatbots?
The rising energy and environmental cost of the artificial-intelligence boom is fuelling concern. Green policy mechanisms that already exist offer a path towards a solution.
Automated accessibility testing tools cannot test 100% of WCAG. This position is not controversial. Other than overlay vendors, no automated tool maker makes that claim. This is partly because WCAG is targeted at humans, not code, and so nuance and context apply. Free automated accessibility testing tools may have even…
L'eau se raréfie, et les centres de données en siphonnent toujours plus
Alors que les ressources en eau s'amenuisent sur Terre, les géants de la Tech n'hésitent pas à ouvrir les vannes pour faire marcher leurs centres de données.
AI to go nuclear? Data center deals say it’s inevitable
Anticipating astronomical compute-intensive AI workloads, hyperscalers and heavy data center operators are turning to energy providers for nuclear-fueled solutions in a ‘global arms race for power … like nothing we have ever seen before.’
Understanding the latest Sustainable Web Design Model update - Green Web Foundation
This post covers the changes made in version 4 of the Sustainable Web Design Model, and how those affect the estimation results for those using this methodology.
Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation with Modern Vanilla JavaScript – Frontend Masters Boost
JavaScript Frameworks generally do a lot of DOM handling for you, but doing it yourself can be the most performant option, and there are quite a few best practices.