Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

Be anti-ableist · Eric Eggert
Be anti-ableist · Eric Eggert
In the last couple of weeks, I had some encounters that made me think about the state of ableism. Turns out that despite a lot of slow but …
Be anti-ableist · Eric Eggert
Design Patterns Catalogue - IF
Design Patterns Catalogue - IF
Build services that earn trust. IF curates this catalogue to help teams design trustworthy services that work for people.
Design Patterns Catalogue - IF
Accessibility foundations - TetraLogical
Accessibility foundations - TetraLogical
Our **foundations** series provides an overview of core accessibility considerations. They are a good starting point for visual designers, content designers, interaction designers, and developers when designing and building accessible products and services.
Accessibility foundations - TetraLogical
Le Média GreenTech Forum | #23 La complémentarité des démarches d’écoconception et d’assurance qualité web
Le Média GreenTech Forum | #23 La complémentarité des démarches d’écoconception et d’assurance qualité web
En matière de règles et bonnes pratiques pour créer des services numériques sobres, accessibles et de qualité, une diversité d’approches existe. Plus que concurrentes, ces approches sont, selon les acteurs de ces métiers, complémentaires. C’est le cas de l’écoconception et de l’assurance qualité web. Décryptage.
Le Média GreenTech Forum | #23 La complémentarité des démarches d’écoconception et d’assurance qualité web
IAB Europe's Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Estimation Solutions in Digital Advertising - IAB Europe
IAB Europe's Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Estimation Solutions in Digital Advertising - IAB Europe
IAB Europe's first-ever Mapping of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Estimation Solutions in Digital Advertising presents the range of emissions models currently available. It explains how they may differ and why they may arrive at varying estimates.  GHG emissions associated with the internet, devices, and supporting systems are thought to constitute nearly…
IAB Europe's Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Estimation Solutions in Digital Advertising - IAB Europe
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Companies with datacenters are procuring significant amounts of renewable energy to reduce their carbon footprint. There is increasing interest in achieving 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) matching in electricity usage, aiming to eliminate all carbon footprints associated with electricity consumption on an hourly basis. However, the variability of renewable energy resources poses significant challenges for achieving this goal. We explore the impact of shifting computing jobs and associated power loads both in time and between datacenter locations. We develop an optimization model to simulate a network of geographically distributed datacenters managed by a company leveraging spatio-temporal load flexibility to achieve 24/7 CFE matching. We isolate three signals relevant for informed use of load flexiblity: varying average quality of renewable energy resources, low correlation between wind power generation over long distances due to different weather conditions, and lags in solar radiation peak due to Earth’s rotation. We illustrate that the location of datacenters and the time of year affect which signal drives an effective load-shaping strategy. The energy procurement and load-shifting decisions based on informed use of these signals facilitate the resource-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of clean computing—the costs of 24/7 CFE are reduced by 1.29±0.07 EUR/MWh for every additional percentage of flexible load. We provide practical guidelines on how companies with datacenters can leverage spatio-temporal load flexibility for truly clean computing. Our results and the open-source optimization model can also be useful for a broader variety of companies with flexible loads and an interest in eliminating their carbon footprint. The simulations were carried out with PyPSA — an open-source software framework for simulating and optimising modern energy system: All code, input data and results are published under an open license. The code to reproduce the experiments is available at GitHub:
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Compter des impacts environnementaux avec les approches attributionnelles et conséquentielles
Compter des impacts environnementaux avec les approches attributionnelles et conséquentielles
Les impacts environnementaux sont la plupart du temps calculés et présentés en suivant l'approche attributionelle, ce qui revient à "attribuer une part du gateau" des impacts à un acteur ou à une unité fonctionelle. L'approche conséquentielle est moins connue, mais parfois bien plus instructive quand aux dynamiques d'impact court terme et long terme. Cet article présente les deux approches et détaille les apports et biais de chacune d'elles.
Compter des impacts environnementaux avec les approches attributionnelles et conséquentielles
Dashboard des tests automatisés d'accessibilité - Temesis
Dashboard des tests automatisés d'accessibilité - Temesis
Comment lancer des tests automatisés d’accessibilité sur plusieurs pages et sur différents sites afin d’identifier les corrections à mettre en place et suivre l’évolution des non conformités ? On …
Dashboard des tests automatisés d'accessibilité - Temesis