
Coder Survival Guide
Deceptive Patterns - Hall of Shame
Browse examples of deceptive patterns used by companies to mislead, trick and trap users.
Accessibility strategy
Outlines the current principles and work needed to improve the accessibility of the GOV.UK Design System
Low-carbon website case studies — lowwwcarbon
| A guide for making apps accessible
The hidden complexity of bank cards
Historically, bank cards were relatively simple rectangles of plastic—but not anymore. Here's how this new feature complexity has been tackled.
Le baromètre du numérique | Arcep
An Attempt to Sort Out Digital Carbon Footprint Evaluations
1. Introduction Ten years ago, together with Erol Gelenbe , we wrote a NATF report on the impact of ICT (Information & Communication...
Quelle est la police la plus économique et écologique ?
Quelle police de caractère doit être utilisée pour réaliser de potentielles économies budgétaires, tout en respectant l’environnement ? #écologique
Collectif API Thinking
An Introduction to E-waste Policy
This self-paced course aims to support national stakeholders in developing national Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) policy and regulation. In addition to an introduction and overview, the course consists of the following four modules: 1) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 2) Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), 3) Financial Management, and 4) Government Stakeholder Groups and Interests.
Page Speed Matters: 10 Case Studies Show Why
Learn how web performance impacts your bottom line.
UX & genre - Guide pratique pour une communication inclusive
Pour les spécialistes de la conception numérique qui souhaitent apporter de l'inclusivité et de la mixité dans leurs projets.
Easy SVG Customization And Animation: A Practical Guide — Smashing Magazine
Developers often feel discouraged from editing SVG markup and experimenting with SVG animations, thinking it’s a significant time investment or they need to use a complex animation library to do so. In this article, Adrian showcases his favorite tricks, which make the process streamlined and fun.
50 % des appareils intelligents ne sont jamais connectés à Internet
LG et Whirlpool, fabricant d'appareils électroménagers, vont devoir redoubler d'efforts s'ils souhaitent vendre leurs services.
(3) Neurodivergence, Climate Change and Software: The Undiagnosed Connection | LinkedIn
Summary 1. From Neurodivergence To Deficit and Disorder 2.
Back/forward cache
Learn how to optimize your pages for instant loads when using the browser's back and forward buttons.
RIP, Passwords. Here’s What’s Coming Next.
Usernames and passwords may soon be going away. Passkeys will replace them.
Infographic: The Cost of Mobile Internet Around The World
This chart shows the average cost of 1GB of mobile data in selected countries in 2022 (U.S. dollars).
Study: Enough rare earth minerals to fuel green energy shift
The world has enough rare earth minerals and other critical raw materials to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy to produce electricity and limit global warming, according to a new study that counters concerns about the supply of such minerals.
Modeling the Power Consumption of a Computer Monitor
Dr Adel Noureddine
Cost, Consumption and Feasibility Challenges for New Video Compression Standards with Low Latency Objectives
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”0px||2px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”Intro” _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”2px||0px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#26358C” text_font_size=”20px” text_line_height=”1.55em” custom_margin=”0px||||false|false” custom_padding=”||19px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”] In recent years we have observed a major change that has shaken up many assumptions. Indeed, the advent of Smartphones and video streaming solutions applied to social networks (Youtube, Tik Tok, Whatsapp, […]
Percentiles don’t work: Analyzing the distribution of response times for web services (Updated with…
Most people have figured out that the average response time for a web service is a very poor estimate of it’s behavior, as responses are…
Is there a wave of green software legislation and standards coming our way?
Find out about some of the latest government policies, institutional actions, reporting and standards affecting green software.
Teaching Green and Sustainable Computing: Challenges and Ideas
Dr Adel Noureddine
Partager le lien pour Article_soumis_JR3ES_Collin.pdf.
Optimize Time to First Byte
Learn how to optimize for the Time to First Byte metric.
An MIT Technology Review Series: AI Colonialism
An investigation into how AI is enriching a powerful few by dispossessing communities that have been dispossessed before.
Leave No Trace
How product designers can break from the status quo and help our planet
Web Design Trend: Neubrutalism | Dodonut
Dodonut brings your ideas to life using design. We care about delivering value to thoughtful brands that want to grow sustainably.