Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

5 Approaches for Sustainable UX
5 Approaches for Sustainable UX
People eat, move, stay warm and consume in a manner that gambles with the future of our planet. This behavior must change and UX Design can…
5 Approaches for Sustainable UX
Compare or view HAR files
Compare or view HAR files
Compare and view the difference between your HAR files. Upload or add the URL to your files (.har and .har.gz) and compare them.
Compare or view HAR files
/e/OS - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data
/e/OS - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data
ECOSYSTEMKEY FEATURESGET /E/NEED HELP /e/OS is a complete, fully “deGoogled”, mobile ecosystem /e/OS is an open-source mobile operating system paired with carefully selected applications. They form a privacy-enabled internal system for your smartphone. And it's not just claims: open-source means auditable privacy. We could have just focused on an OS,…
/e/OS - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data
Can I Devtools?
Can I Devtools?
Can I DevTools is like Can I Use but for the browser devtools. It's created and curated by Pankaj Parashar.
Can I Devtools?
Web Design Exhibitions | Web Design Museum
Web Design Exhibitions | Web Design Museum
Do you know what web banners, internet search engines, or erotic websites looked like in the 1990s? Visit themed exhibitions from the history of web design.
Web Design Exhibitions | Web Design Museum
On y va à fond : le manifeste Ecosia
On y va à fond : le manifeste Ecosia
Nous venons de planter notre 150 millionième arbre, mais notre travail ne fait que commencer. Aujourd'hui, nous y allons à fond. Voici notre manifeste.
On y va à fond : le manifeste Ecosia
Semaine de l’éco-conception et du green-it
Semaine de l’éco-conception et du green-it
Programmez! aborde les questions de l’éco-conception depuis de nombreuses années. Le développeur a un rôle important à jouer pour optimiser son code, optimiser les assets et les architectures. En réalité, le mouvement doit concerner l’ensemble des équipes et de l’entreprise. Chaque amélioration permet d’être plus vertueux dans l’usage des ressources (ordinateurs, réseaux, stockage, etc.) et d’améliorer la durabilité des matériels.
Semaine de l’éco-conception et du green-it
Build Analysis
Build Analysis
Analyzing build statistics is a good step towards understanding webpack better. The available tooli…
Build Analysis
NPMGraph -
NPMGraph -
Graph / visualize of npm dependencies
NPMGraph -
(1) 50 exemples de sites internet basse consommation | LinkedIn
(1) 50 exemples de sites internet basse consommation | LinkedIn
La sobriété numérique est urgente pour limiter la pollution d’internet. Mais à quoi ressemble un site web qui consomme peu de ressources ? Son design est-il forcément épuré, contient-il des images, de la couleur, une seule page ? Les sites listés plus bas répondent à 3 objectifs : présenter une vari
(1) 50 exemples de sites internet basse consommation | LinkedIn
Axeptio - Solution de recueil de consentement
Axeptio - Solution de recueil de consentement
RGPD - ePrivacy Solution de gestion de cookies. Vos services sont inoffensifs, utiles, voire essentiels pour vos utilisateurs ! Pour recueillir les consentements sur votre site internet (cookies, newsletter, phoning ...), on vous propose une solution ludique qui valorise votre métier et booste vos taux d’opt-in. Évidemment, c’est également la meilleure expérience que vous puissiez offrir à vos visiteurs.
Axeptio - Solution de recueil de consentement
The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap, 2021 - Infrequently Noted
The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap, 2021 - Infrequently Noted
A lot has changed since 2017 we I last estimated a global baseline for total page resource limits of 120-170KiB. Thanks to progress in networks and browsers (but not devices), the new baseline is much more generous: ~100KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JS. But the devil's in the footnotes, and modern web development practices push the median page well above these guidelines.
The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap, 2021 - Infrequently Noted
Visual explanations of core machine learning concepts.
Simple and easy way to view the content of font files.
Overview | Images.Tooling.Report
Overview | Images.Tooling.Report
A quick and easy way to figure out what the best tool for your next project is, if it’s worth your time to migrate from one tool to another and how to adopt a best practice into your existing code base. Brought to you by
Overview | Images.Tooling.Report
Ethical Design Network
Ethical Design Network
The Ethical Design Network was founded on 2022 by Trine Falbe, as a space for digital professionals to share, discuss and self-educate about ethical design.
Ethical Design Network