Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators - Life Cycle Initiative
EUR-Lex - 32021H2279 - EN - EUR-Lex
Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power since 1500
Explore how technical and social structures co-evolved over five centuries in this large-scale research visualization.
Leaner images, lower footprint, at scale | Wagtail CMS
Tangible carbon emissions reductions for Wagtail websites, thanks to our Google Summer of Code 2023 projects
Always Measure One Level Deeper
This is a great paper (CACM 2018) by John Ousterhout. Ousterhout is well known for his work on log-structured file system, tcl/tk, Raft, a...
Mais que fait votre député ? La plateforme Datan décrypte sa participation politique
Datan est une plateforme en ligne conçue pour faciliter la compréhension du fonctionnement de l'Assemblée Nationale, pas toujours évident pour les citoyens.
Synthèse des nouvelles règlementations d'accessibilité numérique en France - Temesis
Mise à jour le 28 juin 2024 : cet article est mis à jour au fur et à mesure des évolutions de la réglementation française.
Le cadre législatif de l’accessibilité numérique en France évolue …
Automated Source Code Resource Sustainability Measure (ASCRSM), v1.0 - formal-24-01-09.pdf
Blazing Fast Websites with Speculation Rules | DebugBear
Use speculation rules to allow visitors to navigate instantly between pages on your website
Ataraxie numérique [As we may...]
Nous chercherons à travers les articles proposés sur ce site à étudier les façons dont nous pourrions écrire, chercher, enseigner, vivre, dans le monde numérique qui s'offre - ou plutôt qui s'impose - à nous. Et comment ce passage généralisé au support numérique modifie jusqu'à la façon dont nous pourrions penser.
(7) Et si notre approche de l’écoconception des services numériques était erronée ? | LinkedIn
Avec l’évolution globale des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et l’explosion du numérique, il devient essentiel de restreindre l’impact des services numériques Préambule Qu’est-ce que l’écoconception ? L’écoconception est une démarche qui vise à réduire les impacts environnementaux des produits tou
Web Check
All-in-one Website OSINT Scanner
Digital Sustainability Checklist (v1.0)
BETA,This is currently a prototype. Please share any feedback and ideas you have to improve it with @chudders.
A digital sustainability checklist to help you reduce the environmental impacts of your digital products and services
Why is this important? (from the W3C)
The digital industry is...
A UX perspective on Horizontal scrolling | Experience UX
Is horizontal scrolling good or bad from a user experience (UX) perspective? When is it OK or not OK to use it?
Horizontal Attention Leans Left
Users spend 80% of the viewing time on the left half of the page vs. 20% on the right half. Standard designs will maximize user efficiency and company profits.
The specification for an Automated Source Code Resource Sustainability Measure (ASCRSM) will be developed from existing weaknesses (CWEs) in the Automated Source Code Performance Efficiency Measure (ASCPEM).
e – Accessibility design library
Carbon accounting in the Cloud: a methodology for allocating emissions across data center users
This paper presents a methodology for allocating energy consumption to multiple users of shared data center machines, infrastructure, and software. Google uses this methodology to provide carbon reporting data for enterprise customers of multiple Google products, including Google Cloud and Workspace. The approach documented here advances the state-of-the-art of large scale Cloud carbon reporting systems. It uses detailed, granular measurement data on machine energy consumption. In addition, it uses physical factors for allocating energy consumption and carbon emissions--preferred by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol's Scope 3 Reporting Standard. Specifically, the approach described here allocates machine energy consumption based on a combination of data center resource reservations and hourly measured resource usage. It also accounts for Google's own internal use of shared software services, reallocating energy use to the users of those shared services. Finally, it uses hourly, location-specific estimates of carbon intensity to precisely measure carbon emissions of users in a global fleet of data centers.
Le livre – Code du Numérique
Résumé du livre "Code du Numérique"
Paris 2024 a enjambé l'accessibilité - Yanous ! Le magazine francophone du handicap
Non conformes aux règles en vigueur, les sites Internet des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques ont oublié leurs promesses !
What’s the deal with Media Over QUIC?
In 2022, the IETF formed a working group for Media Over QUIC (MoQ)—a media delivery solution that has the potential to transform how we send and receive media during live streaming, real-time collaboration, gaming, and more.
Digitalisation of goods: a systematic review of the determinants and magnitude of the impacts on energy consumption - Court_2020_Environ._Res._Lett._15_043001.pdf
GPP Criteria and Requirements
Common EU GPP criteria are those criteria that can be incorporated into a public procurement procedure for goods, services or works in order to reduce the environmental impact of a purchase.
Estimer l’empreinte environnementale, un pré-requis à toute démarche d’éco-conception - Conserto
Chez Conserto, nous avons développé GreenTrackr, un outil de mesure d'impact carbone pour les sites web au plus proche de la réalité.
GitHub - linkchecker/linkchecker: check links in web documents or full websites
check links in web documents or full websites. Contribute to linkchecker/linkchecker development by creating an account on GitHub.
W3C Link Checker
GitHub - Orange-OpenSource/ai-power-measures-sharing: This project defines a json ontology standard describing a power consumption measure in a given software/hardware context, noticeably in machine learning tasks. It also provides the tooling for conversion to tabular datasets.
This project defines a json ontology standard describing a power consumption measure in a given software/hardware context, noticeably in machine learning tasks. It also provides the tooling for con...
Rian Rietveld - The European Accessibility Act explained.pdf