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A Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit — Smashing Magazine
A Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit — Smashing Magazine
Digital designer Yichan Wang has put together this collection of strategies and selling points to help you encourage and advocate for accessibility in your place of work, including useful scripts you can use as starting points.
A Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit — Smashing Magazine
Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking - Green Web Foundation
Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking - Green Web Foundation
As part of the recent Carbon Aware Internet project funded by RIPE NCC in 2021, the Green Web Foundation worked with the non-profit organisation Ember Climate to annotate every publicly available IP address on Earth with geolocated carbon intensity data. This work contributed to a collaborative response from the authors below, to a recent call… Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking
Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking - Green Web Foundation
Carbon Footprint Calculations for a Software Company – Adapting
Carbon Footprint Calculations for a Software Company – Adapting
Through non-financial reporting, such as CSRD, carbon footprint calculations are becoming mandatory in the software industry. The golden standard for reporting CO2 emissions is based on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and its scopes 1, 2, and 3. However, as a...
Carbon Footprint Calculations for a Software Company – Adapting
Systems thinking and efficiency under emissions constraints: Addressing rebound effects in digital innovation and policy
Systems thinking and efficiency under emissions constraints: Addressing rebound effects in digital innovation and policy
Rebound effects occur in the digital sector when ICT efficiency improvements offset emissions savings or increase emissions. These must be considered in digital innovation and associated policy for sustainable ICT; however, there are key challenges to this that we identify through a transdisciplinary workshop and discuss in this perspective. We call for future work to address these challenges and to take a systems thinking approach for considering ICT’s environmental impacts. From this, a solution to rebound effects becomes visible: efficiencies under emissions constraints.
Systems thinking and efficiency under emissions constraints: Addressing rebound effects in digital innovation and policy
Compte-rendu Comptoir: Qu’apporte l’analyse de cycle de vie lors d’un audit d’éco-conception de service numérique ? - OCTO Talks !
Compte-rendu Comptoir: Qu’apporte l’analyse de cycle de vie lors d’un audit d’éco-conception de service numérique ? - OCTO Talks !
A travers un cas concret, comment l'ACV (Analyse de Cycle de Vie) a permis d'identifier et de donner des pistes de réduction de l'empreinte environnementale d'un service numérique.
Compte-rendu Comptoir: Qu’apporte l’analyse de cycle de vie lors d’un audit d’éco-conception de service numérique ? - OCTO Talks !
Comprehensive guide to JavaScript performance analysis using Chrome DevTools
Comprehensive guide to JavaScript performance analysis using Chrome DevTools
Let's see how to navigate the Chrome Devtools Performance tab to effectively analyse and improve the performance of your JavaScript while avoiding common errors. Our use case will be improving the rendering FPS of a real-world canvas library.
Comprehensive guide to JavaScript performance analysis using Chrome DevTools
SaaS procurement - sustainability checklist
SaaS procurement - sustainability checklist
checklist Procurement - Sustainability Environmental Assessment for Software As A Service (SaaS) Solutions This assessment form is published by Gaël Duez under the a href=""Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International/a licence. Version 0 - J...
SaaS procurement - sustainability checklist
Choo-Choo World
Choo-Choo World
Build the train sets of your dreams and let your imagination run wild.
Choo-Choo World
Notre certification à l’audit d’accessibilité numérique RGAA enregistrée par France Compétences – Access42
Notre certification à l’audit d’accessibilité numérique RGAA enregistrée par France Compétences – Access42
C’est la deuxième certification proposée par Access42 dont la valeur d’usage est appréciée et reconnue par l’État. En effet, notre première certification « Développer des sites web accessibles » a été enregistrée dès 2020 au répertoire spécifique de France Compétences. Pour mieux comprendre la signification de l’enregistrement par France Compétences des certifications…
Notre certification à l’audit d’accessibilité numérique RGAA enregistrée par France Compétences – Access42
Green Kernel
Green Kernel
This project aims to bring energy metrics to the Linux Kernel - Green Kernel
Green Kernel
Calcolare l'impatto ambientale di un sito web | Piano D
Calcolare l'impatto ambientale di un sito web | Piano D
In Piano D siamo in prima linea nella riduzione dell’impatto ambientale del web. Se vogliamo raggiungere questo obiettivo, una delle fasi più importanti è la misurazione. In questo articolo vogliamo spiegare come noi calcoliamo l’impatto ambientale di un sito web, in particolare il consumo energetico, e come questa pratica sta evolvendo nel tempo. Metodologia Il […]
Calcolare l'impatto ambientale di un sito web | Piano D
Que sait-on des impacts environnementaux de la vidéo en ligne ? L’exemple de Netflix
Que sait-on des impacts environnementaux de la vidéo en ligne ? L’exemple de Netflix
Le numérique, par sa matérialité (impacts directs) et ses effets sur nos modes de production et de consommation (impacts indirects), contribue au franchissement des limites planétaires. Aurélie Bugeau, Gaël Guennebaud et Benjamin Ninassi nous éclairent sur la contribution de la vidéo à la demande (VoD) aux impacts environnementaux du numérique. Antoine Rouseau, Serge Abiteboul. Article … p class="link-more"a href="" class="more-link"Continuer la lecturespan class="screen-reader-text" de « Que sait-on des impacts environnementaux de la vidéo en ligne ? L’exemple de Netflix »/span/a/p
Que sait-on des impacts environnementaux de la vidéo en ligne ? L’exemple de Netflix