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State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report - IAB Europe
State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report - IAB Europe
Sustainability is now a key focus for the digital advertising industry. Last year, it was estimated that a typical ad campaign emitted around 5.4 tons of CO2, with a programmatic ad impression producing around one gram of Co2 emissions. When the number of ad impressions transacted on a regular basis…
State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report - IAB Europe
Yellow Lab Tools - Page Speed audit
Yellow Lab Tools - Page Speed audit
Yellow Lab Tools is a free online web performance analyzer. It audits a webpage for performance and front-end quality issues. And it's open-source!
Yellow Lab Tools - Page Speed audit
Paul Calvano is a Performance Architect at Etsy, where he helps optimize the performance of their online marketplace.
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Details of the publication
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Tailwind vs Semantic CSS
Tailwind vs Semantic CSS
Comparing two identically designed websites, their weight, amount of HTML and CSS, rendering speed, and best practices.
Tailwind vs Semantic CSS
MDN Curriculum | MDN Curriculum
MDN Curriculum | MDN Curriculum
The MDN Web Docs site provides information about Open Web technologies including HTML, CSS, and APIs for both Web sites and progressive web apps.
MDN Curriculum | MDN Curriculum
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
What is the average size of JavaScript code downloaded per website? Fuck around and find out!
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
Tu devrais faire de la WebPerf
Tu devrais faire de la WebPerf
24 jours de web : Le calendrier de l'avent des gens qui font le web d'après.
Front-End Performance Checklist
Tu devrais faire de la WebPerf
Domino Fit
Domino Fit
A puzzle about domino dots
Domino Fit
[TeleCoop] Article blog + Déclaration d’écoconception - HackMD
[TeleCoop] Article blog + Déclaration d’écoconception - HackMD
L’écoconception numérique continue à se développer en France, notamment portée par le nouveau réglement général d’écoconception de services numériques (RGESN) développé au sein de l’État. Cette pratique consiste à se demander quoi faire pour réduire la charge environnementale (émissions de gaz à effet de serre, consommation d’énergie, d’eau, etc.) d’un site web et de son usage. Nous avons maintenant une certaine expérience du sujet puisque nous explorons à la fois en théorie et en pratique depuis 5 ans toutes ces questions. La refonte de Telecoop s’inscrit d’ailleurs dans la continuité de celle pour Commown avec Derek Salmon. Dans cette étude de cas, nous allons tâcher d’appliquer ce fameux RGESN qui se distingue par 8 grands axes : la stratégie, les spécifications, l’architecture, l’UX/UI, les contenus, le front-end, le back-end, l’hébergement. Nous allons reprendre point par point chacun de ces éléments.
[TeleCoop] Article blog + Déclaration d’écoconception - HackMD