Our #DigitalEconomy has experienced several rapid waves of evolution. It began with Dotcom companies, where over exuberance saw fortunes lost when the tech b...
Ever since responsive web design started, we've had a problem with the way images load on the web. Now, Firefox is fixing the problem. Add width & height att...
Nous avons déjà abordé les sujets de l’augmentation des températures, et celui-ci du manque d’eau. Je vais le répéter encore et encore, mais tout cela est dû à l’intensification des échanges.
Using UI System Fonts In Web Design: A Quick Practical Guide — Smashing Magazine
For perhaps the first time since the original Macintosh, we can get excited about using system UI fonts. They’re an interesting, **fresh alternative to web typography** — and one that doesn’t require a web-font delivery service or font files stored on your server. How do we use system UI fonts on a website, and what are the caveats?
System UI fonts being amazing kind of snuck up on us. Google has been toiling away at Roboto with great success (including regular updates), Apple made a splash with San Francisco, and Mozilla asked renowned type designer Erik Spiekermann to create Fira Sans.
Croire au mérite aide-t-il (ou non) les élèves à réussir ?
Si la croyance en la méritocratie peut encourager les élèves dans leurs efforts, elle contribue aussi à légitimer des inégalités. Explications à l’occasion de la Journée du refus de l’échec scolaire.
Le smartphone est notre quotidien. Comment le développeur mobile peut-il mesurer et comprendre son impact ?Vincent Frattaroli et Gilles Grousset (InsideApp) comparent les langages natifs et non natifs.Les résultats sont surprenants !InsideApp est partenaire de la semaine de l'éco-conception et du greenit sur programmez.com[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5-GIv3aohs autoplay:0]
Introduction Bourgatte (2017, 4) le déclare : « Les humanistes numériques sont préoccupés par la transmission d’un socle fondamental de compétences et de connaissances pour que chacun puisse évolue...
Don’t Sink Your Website With Third Parties — Smashing Magazine
In this article, Ken Harker explains what third-party resource requests really are and which common optimization strategies can help reduce the impact on the user experience. By carefully considering how third-party requests will fit into your website during the design stage, you’ll be able to avoid the most significant negative impacts.
Native apps often feature transitions between states that both look great and help communicate the type of navigation to the user. The bad news: creating tra...
thegreenwebfoundation/carbon.txt: A proposed convention for making it possible demonstrate that your infrastucture uses green power
A proposed convention for making it possible demonstrate that your infrastucture uses green power - thegreenwebfoundation/carbon.txt: A proposed convention for making it possible demonstrate that y...
For Marcy, accessibility is personal and essential. So she’s on a mission to inspire others to follow in her footsteps to prioritize and normalize it.
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"Chez PayPal et BlaBlaCar, j'ai expérimenté des centaines de méthodes de simplification, et j'en ai retenu 3 qui fonctionnent tout le temps. Ces méthodes p...