Votre attention, s'il vous plaît ! Quels leviers face à l'économie de l'attention ? | CNNum | Traducteur et éclaireur des transformations numériques
À quoi faisons-nous attention ? De sa qualité à sa manipulation, les enjeux de la protection de notre attention à l’heure du numérique sont majeurs. Le Conseil national du numérique appelle à passer un cap dans la protection de notre attention et publie ce jour un dossier intitulé « Votre attention, s’il vous plaît ! Quels leviers face à l’économie de l’attention ? ». Au sommaire :
Using Diagnostic Metrics
User experience vs. diagnostic metrics
A few years ago, Google introduced the Core Web Vitals metrics. If you've been following web performance for a while, you know there are already a lot of metrics. Dozens and dozens of them, and new ones are being experimented with continually. So it's not surpr
You Are Not A Machine. You Are Not Alone. — Smashing Magazine
It was pouring with rain and I found myself driving. I didn’t know where I was going. I just needed out of the house. I needed to escape. After what felt like an age I found myself parked outside my parents' house, just staring at their front door. Eventually I got out of the car, rang the doorbell and burst into tears the moment my mum answered.
The Non-Productive Programmer (NPP)
We all know them: programmers with long term experience stuck on a low-level of our craft not corresponding to their quantity of experience. Great programmers are creative workers and problem-solvers and one of their most important traits is: never stop learning – but getting stuck in its own comfort zone and becoming reluctant to change is deeply wired into human nature (Humans are hard-wired to follow the path of least resistance).
What is Web3? The Decentralized Internet of the Future Explained
If you’re reading this then you are a participant in the modern web. The web we are experiencing today is much different than what it was just 10 years ago. How has the web evolved, and more importantly – where is it going next? Also, why do any of these
HTTP compression
HTTP compression is an important part of the big web performance picture. We'll cover the history, the current state and the future of web compression.
Lossless data compression makes things smaller
Lossless data compression algorithms exploit statistical redundancy to represent data using fewer bit
Mesurer le CO2 selon les gigaoctets consommés : l’idée qui consterne le secteur du numérique
Préciser la quantité de gaz à effet de serre générés par la consommation de données : voilà la nouvelle information que les opérateurs auront l'obligation de préciser chaque mois en 2022. Une idée qui provoque une levée de boucliers dans le secteur du numérique. Nouvelle polémique en vue concernant l'impact du