appYuser - Digital experience & environmental impact monitoring
Boostez l'expérience digitale de vos visiteurs et les performances écologiques de votre site web grâce à notre solution de monitoring et d'optimisation.
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La recherche de type ChatGPT représente un coût multiplié par 10 pour Google et Microsoft
Un nouvel article de Reuters souligne un autre problème financier lié à la création d’une session de chat pour chaque recherche : cela coûterait beaucoup plus cher à exploiter qu’un moteur de recherche classique.
Sur YouTube, des milliers de femmes se filment en train de faire le ménage, de se maquiller ou de déballer leurs courses, sous les yeux de millions d’abonnés. Que nous racontent ces vidéos sur les femmes d’aujourd’hui ? Comment l’Algorithme finit-il par les conditionner ? Au fil de la série, notre héroïne prend de plus en plus conscience des carcans qui l’enferment.
Besoins en compétences, emploi et formation en matière d'empreinte environnementale du numérique | Opiiec
Découvrez toutes les tendances, les évolutions, les métiers de demain et les besoins en formation en matière d'empreinte environnementale du numérique.
Since Vineeta and I founded Wholegrain 16 years ago, we’ve always believed that businesses are a key pillar in shaping our modern world, and therefore must themselves reflect the type of society that we want to live in – a world in which humans and our natural environment are treated with respect. Our aim has […]
Salesforce Launches ‘Green Code’ Initiative to Reduce Carbon Footprint of Software
New sustainability best practices help technologists cut emissions associated with IT, including heavy computational tasks New Salesforce research shows that 75% of technologists want to develop software applications that do less harm to the environment Today at World Tour NYC, Salesforce launched ‘Green Code,’ a new initiative to help reduce carbon emissions associated with the […]
Se syndiquer, manifester, faire grève… Agir pour nos droits ! ✊ - La Lutine du Web
Se syndiquer, manifester, faire grève… Oulala les gros mots ! Hé oui, dans le domaine de l’informatique, on n’a visiblement pas une tradition dans les mouvements de grève ni dans le syndicalisme ou les manifestations. Pourtant, nous avons le pouvoir d’agir et de faire bouger les choses. Alors pourquoi faire grève, manifester ou se syndiquer ? Je vous expose mon point de vue, je vous donne des informations et des outils chouettes.
Global mining footprint mapped from high-resolution satellite imagery - Communications Earth & Environment
A global map of mining land use which utilizes high-resolution satellite data shows the growing scale of mine activities across countries and highlights widespread overlap with protected areas.
System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. The fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes — just instant renders.
Ethics of Decentralized Social Technologies: Lessons from the Web3, the Fediverse, and Beyond - GETTING-Plurality
The plethora of experiments with decentralized social technologies (DSTs)—clusters of which are sometimes called “the Web 3.0 ecosystem” or “the Fediverse”—have brought us to a constitutional moment. These technologies enable radical innovations in social, economic, and political institutions and practices, with the potential to support transformative approaches to political economy. They demand governance innovation. The paper develops a framework of prudent vigilance for making ethical choices in this space that help to both grasp positive opportunities for transformation and avoid the potentially problematic consequences. Most of our specific examples and concerns come from the blockchain/Web3 universe, as this has received the greatest investment, attention, and adoption to date. However, we aim to offer a framework for governance decision-making in conditions of uncertainty that applies more broadly to other DSTs. Specifically, under the framework of prudent vigilance, we propose a pragmatic, democratic, and pluralist approach to navigating bold experimentation with social practices and political economy enabled by these technologies. Our overarching goal is to provide a framework open to transformative improvement and constrained by guardrails and guiding values supportive of democracy, freedom, and pluralism. We take a relatively strong position, rather than simply laying out ethical issues and potential approaches. We seek to be provocative in order to spur further work and hope this paper will serve as a first bridge between academic philosophy and the DST community, which have hardly interacted to date.
Davidson consulting, OVHcloud, Orange et Inria s’associent pour le programme de recherche "DISTILLER" retenu dans le cadre de l'appel à projet générique 2021 lancé par l'Agence nationale pour la recherche (ANR).
L'IoT au service de la planète | Quantification des gains nets environnementaux
Découvrez dans ce use case le potentiel de généralisation des solutions IoT sur la réduction des émissions gaz à effet de serre, de Co2eq et de consommation d'eau.
Using performance testing to build resilient, accessible systems for all - Ad Hoc
A well-maintained, 10-year-old car will work fine to get you from A to B. A well-maintained bike will probably last even longer than the car. A 45-year-old landline phone can still receive and place calls. But what happens if you try to access a web page using a 3-year-old smartphone? How about a 5 or even a 10-year-old one?