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L’éco-conception et la mesure
L’éco-conception et la mesure
Les chiffres sont acceptés le numérique consomme, le numérique consomme trop, il est temps de faire baisser la facture. Il est aussi temps de s’adapter au marché et de proposer des offres « numérique responsable » ou services « éco-conçus ». Mais est-ce que ces démarches correspondent à un engagement profond ou se révèlent être des artifices.
L’éco-conception et la mesure
How To Optimize Progressive Web Apps: Going Beyond The Basics — Smashing Magazine
How To Optimize Progressive Web Apps: Going Beyond The Basics — Smashing Magazine
Progressive web applications are proven to raise user engagement and keep the costs down effectively. Building a modern PWA requires more than just the core setup to keep up with the user’s expectations. Therefore, let’s take a first-hand look at adding contemporary characteristics to PWAs, from functioning offline to user-friendly permission requests.
How To Optimize Progressive Web Apps: Going Beyond The Basics — Smashing Magazine
A half-hour to learn Rust
A half-hour to learn Rust
In order to increase fluency in a programming language, one has to read a lot of it. But how can you read a lot of it if you don't know what it means? In this article, instead o...
A half-hour to learn Rust
Meaningful design in 2021
Meaningful design in 2021
Focusing on the bigger picture and the importance of accessibility and inclusivity in meaningful web design.
Meaningful design in 2021
Hacker earns $2 million in bug bounties on HackerOne
Hacker earns $2 million in bug bounties on HackerOne
Inhibitor181 is the first bug bounty hunter to earn more than $2,000,000 in bounty awards through the vulnerability coordination and bug bounty program HackerOne.
Hacker earns $2 million in bug bounties on HackerOne
10 Idées reçues sur l'UX Design
10 Idées reçues sur l'UX Design
Envie de déjouer les pièges de l’UX ? Ça tombe bien, on en a fait un quiz !
10 Idées reçues sur l'UX Design
An Innovation Path to a More Accessible World - Office of the CTO Blog
An Innovation Path to a More Accessible World - Office of the CTO Blog
After 15 months of development (and plenty of love, sweat, and tears), I am excited to announce Crest, an open source tool that helps developers conduct better automated software testing, enabling compliance with ADA guidelines and improving accessibility for people with disabilities. The timing of this announcement is no accident. Today is International Day of … Continued
An Innovation Path to a More Accessible World - Office of the CTO Blog
History of Online Games |
History of Online Games |
From multiplayer by post to modern day MMO's. Find out how it all evolved to the great world of free online games we experience today.
History of Online Games |