The Ultimate Guide to Font Performance Optimization | DebugBear
Font performance optimization is a set of web development techniques that make fonts load faster and render more smoothly, including thoughtful font selection, the use of performant font formats, self-hosting, optimized @font-face declarations, font display strategies, and others.
A Comparison of Automated Testing Tools for Digital Accessibility - Equal Entry
Automated testing tools for accessibility are software applications that evaluate websites, applications, and documents for compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). They identify and report on accessibility issues that could make digital content unusable for people with disabilities. Automated testing tools can bring efficiency to the testing process. While it’s true that manual […]
I logged into Twitter using a fresh account last week. No followers, no preferences set. The default experience was an unending slurry of racism and porn. I don't care to use Twitter any more. Whatever good that was there is now drowned in a cess-pit of violent filth. I still have a lot of Tweets […]
RETINAS: Real-Time Infrastructure Accounting for Sustainability
We are introducing a new metric— real-time server fleet utilization effectiveness —as part of the RETINAS initiative to help reduce emissions and achieve net zero emissions across our value chain i…
I really, really, REALLY hate accessibility audits. Okay, maybe I should clarify. I really really REALLY hate getting generic accessibility audit reports that companies pay a lot of money for but don’t produce useful results. Maybe I should explain. So when my place of employment (at the time of this writing) was asking, “hey some customer asked for a thing called a VPAT, do you know what that is?” I was really interested at the opportunity to weigh in. Okay, so I’ve ended up doing the audits for our public accessibility conformance reports(ACRs); while it’s not as satisfying as writing new linting rules, strategizing about Continuous Accessibility, or crafting new design system components that are accessible and have great documentation, it has been satisfying because I’ve been able to undo some of the irritations I’ve experienced in the past.
Écogiciel - L'éco-conception des logiciels. - INFOCERT
Éco-conception des logiciels : le label Écogiciel. Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez mettre en place une démarche de labellisation de votre logiciel. PRÉSENTATION Conscients de l’impact écologique du domaine numérique et fermement convaincus de l’impératif de prendre en considération les défis environnementaux, INFOCERT a décidé d’utiliser son expertise en certification de logiciels pour soutenir le lancement […]
La Gaîté Lyrique, lieu culturel de la Ville de Paris, entend répondre à l’urgence culturelle, sociale, démocratique et climatique. Avec le projet Fabrique de l’époque, entre création et engagement, elle invite à passer de l’idée à l’action, tous et toutes rassemblées autour d’un concert, d’une table ronde, d’un verre, d’une performance, d’un atelier ou d’une projection.
Écoconception | Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires
Le Ministère de la Transition Écologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires est engagé dans une démarche d’écoconception de son site internet afin d’en réduire l’impact environnemental.
In the open source community, there is perhaps no greater gift than code. This is about that time 135,000 lines of gifted code created a new era of JavaScript
Référentiel général d'écoconception de services numériques
Le Référentiel Général d’Écoconception de Services Numériques (RGESN) est un référentiel produit par la direction interministérielle du numérique, le ministère de la transition écologique, l’ADEME et l’institut du numérique responsable. Il a pour objectif de guider les concepteur de services numé...